On the other hand, it’s complicated!

Because the temptation is real, the provocation is great, and it definitely takes two to tango.

I’m determined not to lump people with different beliefs or agendas into an “other” category in my mind, but I can’t simply forget the fact that many of those same people see me as an “other.”

When we had an African-American family in the White House, it hurt me on a very deep and visceral level to read comments comparing the First Lady to an ape. You can’t stoop much lower than that! It had nothing to do with policies or agendas or even politics, really. I heard the underlying message as: you can reach the highest position in the land but you’re still not good enough…you’re still the “other.”

When we step up, commit to doing better, and “take the high road,” sometimes it means we have to turn the other cheek, as it were. It also means working hard to remember that a person is not their behavior; that we can love the sinner while objecting to their sin; and that we can hold the space for someone to grow, improve, and eventually transform.

This is a tall order, because sometimes we rebel against having to be that “good!” Actually, a very old memory along these lines resurfaced as I was thinking about all this…

When I was a sophomore in high school I tried out for the cheerleading team, which meant lots of afterschool practices. Now, I was a good kid — father on the school board; mother active in community events; got good grades; played flute in the band; responsible-like — so I had all the routines down and was always at all the practices,

Tryouts were drawing near and emotions were running high. Paula Foreman, the varsity cheerleader in charge of the practice, insisted on going over and over and over a routine that some of the girls hadn’t learned yet. It was frustrating.

At some point, I let my frustration show with a small eye roll and a big sigh, and Paula caught it. “Look at Sharon’s attitude,” she taunted. And I lost it, yelling: “Don’t you give me any sh– about my attitude!” You could have heard a pin drop. Everybody was shocked — cheerleaders, basketball players, and anyone else in the gym that afternoon — because they’d never seen me blow up like that before. It didn’t fit their image of me.

Well, it didn’t fit my image of myself, either. But it taught me something about the relativity of expectations. I can’t seem to put it into words at the moment (maybe because this is already so long and it’s quite late!), but I’m pretty sure it’s still informing my behavior to this day.

We can do better than this

Lately I’ve been reflecting on the word “other” as a verb: “to view or treat (a person or group of people) as intrinsically different from and alien to oneself.”

It seems to me that “othering” is a behavior that is on the increase among people who I think really ought to know better; namely, friends and colleagues that I know and love. These are people with intelligent minds and big hearts, who are falling into the trap of turning those they disagree with into the “other.”

Of course, once we’ve turned someone into the “other,” we feel justified in talking to and about them in a way that mutes our empathy, dims our compassion, and diminishes our humanity.

This is not the way forward!

I found the following in a blog post as I was reading up about this. As a self-described “liberal,” I found it rather sobering:

“Interestingly enough, some argue that liberals’ use of “other” as a verb actually contributes to political othering by alienating conservatives. In a recent piece for Commentary magazine titled “The Resistance’s Hat Trick — ‘Othering’ for beginners,” Christine Rosen wrote, “‘Othering’ is a term favored by the left … Trump uses dehumanizing rhetoric to discuss immigrants; the left parries with ‘othering’ rhetoric about MAGA-hat wearing Trump voters. And round and round the cycle goes. It’s great for clickbait and Twitter wars, but terrible for healthy debate.
From New Verb Provides an ‘Other’ Perspective by Rob Kyff

We can do better than this; we need to do better than this; we must do better than this!

Let’s not gloat or despair

One can rejoice without gloating. And one can grieve without despairing. Don’t gloat and don’t despair; those behaviors will simply impede the healing this country so desperately needs.

It’s time for extra doses of kindness, empathy, compassion. And, of course, LOVE.

My prayer for tonight

May we all be United in the intention of Peace and Healing for the benefit of all beings. Namaste.

Molly Mele

I’m so grateful Biden and Harris won and I’m feeling the joy of hopeful new beginnings. In the next few days I hope to share some thoughts about compassion and empathy; about being magnanimous and gracious in victory; and about not falling into the trap of “othering”.

But for tonight, I’m content with this prayer.

What we’ve been up to

This is what Ramesha and I have been working on for the last month or so! It’s been a blessing to dive deeper into singing together and creating something like this together. And now we’re feeling determined to get back to doing more of this together!

It’s also been fun for me to compare the way we’re going about it now, compared to the way we’ve put out other CD’s over the years. Ramesha has invested a lot of time and resources in learning how to better promote and market our music and boy is it making a difference!

For example, I’m accustomed to having one or two parts to sing or play on the recording and then I’m done; but for this there were also background vocals to record and other aspects of the arrangement/production on which Ramesha wanted input from me and Christian (our recording engineer).

Then there was a day dedicated to videotaping ourselves singing the song four times through (as a duet, each of us solo, and close-up on the guitar) so that Bhaktan would have all those different video angles of us to use for the lyric video (which you just saw above). Plus all three of us spent time searching for additional images that we felt conveyed the vibration of the song, so it was a collaboration in that way as well.

Ramesha has also kept busy creating artwork and landing pages, and writing emails to let friends and fans know about it, and a gazillion other details (bravo, Ramesha!) Finally, we videotaped a little mini-documentary, in which we shared thoughts about the song and the project (see below).


All in all, it’s been a eye-opening new experience for me and the feedback so far has been very positive. Of course, our hope is that many people will hear it and find comfort in the profound message of this song during these unsettled times. 🙏

I give up

Been trying for an hour or more to think of something interesting to say, but it’s just not happening. It’s time to call it a night, but I want to at least leave you with something to make you smile. 😊

The peace of God is my one goal

Days like today are such a wonderful opportunity to remember

….that, no matter what, every person on the planet is my spiritual brother and sister.

….that, no matter what the world looks like, the ultimate reality is that it’s all made out of God. As my Science of Mind practitioner used to say: “There is no spot where God is not.” and “You can’t get outside of God.”

….that, no matter the centuries of misunderstandings to the contrary, God is love, God is light, God is Peace. And if there’s no spot where God is not, that means there’s no spot — anywhere — where love is not present. True, we human beings are really, really good at hiding it and disguising it and denying it, but love is still there. Just being love and waiting for us to allow it in.

Even though I don’t particularly enjoy it, I do appreciate the fact that times like these are a blessing in the sense that they force me to build up my spiritual muscle. It’s not always fun, but it is getting me closer to the goal.

I’ve cherished this postcard (pictured above) for more than thirty years because it touched me so deeply when I first saw it, even years and years before I found my true spiritual path. And I’m feeling it more and more with each passing year.

The peace of God is my one goal
the aim of all my living here,
the end I seek,
my purpose and my function and my life.

Quote from A Course in Miracles (Foundation for Inner Peace)

Forever in our hearts

“You are loved”

It is with humility and love that I create this altar for the star babies, the water babies, the angel babies, the spirit babies for Dia de Los Muertos. To the babes: You are not in our arms but forever in our hearts. ❤️ YOU ARE LOVED ❤️

It’s been over a quarter of a century since I first met Jane, whose words are quoted above. She and Shannon were the midwives supporting me through my pregnancy and planned home birth, but their role shifted dramatically the morning I went into labor.

Instead of joyously welcoming a new life to the planet, they helped me move through the process of giving birth while also grieving the stillbirth of my baby. I am so grateful to have had their amazing support during that transformative, life altering experience.

Now, twenty-five years later, I still feel Jane’s loving support through the altar for spirit babies that she creates every year for Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead). Every heart on the altar represents someone’s lost babe and I deeply appreciate having Liam’s light represented there. Thank you, Jane! 💗

The altar in its (impressive) entirety!

Embracing acceptance

At Ananda, every Sunday service includes a reading from Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda. And — with Election Day bearing down upon us — the one for today is so perfect that I’m including it below in its entirety.

One of the most difficult lessons in life is to learn to accept things as they are. How much energy we waste in trying to wish away the inevitable! “If only this hadn’t happened!” “If only we had reached there in time!” The “if only’s” and “might have been’s” in life keep us from dealing realistically with what is.

Acceptance comes from knowing that reality lies within ourselves, and that all else is a dream. Acceptance of that one reality makes everything else acceptable. Instead of learning to come to grips with a thousand individual challenges, therefore, make the supreme effort to accept God unconditionally into your heart. Accept all that comes in life as coming from His hands. He will give you what is best for you, if you live for Him alone.


I accept with calm impartiality whatever comes my way. Free in my heart, I am not conditioned by any outward circumstance.


Shine Thy delusion-cauterizing light into the hidden nooks of my heart’s feelings, lest somewhere, without my conscious knowledge, I have not accepted Thee. If ever I err, strengthen me to accept Thy discipline, for in Thy will alone lies the happiness I am seeking.

Truly comprehending this is an extremely tall order, but I’m grateful for the reminder to even try not to wish away the inevitable — whatever that may turn out to be! 🙏🕉🙏