Being active

I ran across some journaling notes, written about six years ago, evidently in a period of frustration at my lack of activity. I don’t recall the exact moment or what exactly I was feeling when making this list, but it certainly packs a wallop for me as I read it now. Especially considering the title I gave it:


tether ball
monkey bars
weight training
150 sit-ups a day
running on the beach
walking, walking, walking

It wasn’t that I “loved” exercise; I didn’t even call it “exercise” — it was just having fun doingΒ things…

Challenging big, intimidating Tony to a tetherball showdown in 6th grade.
Organizing my high school buddies to hike up into the foothills above Milpitas for a cookout.
Riding my bicycle all over Sunnyvale (where I lived), to classes at DeAnza College, and (just once!) all the way to my boyfriend’s house in Los Altos.
Spending two hours every day in the gym: aerobics; weight training; treadmill; loving to sweat!

It was just doing fun active things with my friends. Dancing at clubs til all hours of the night. Cranking up my stereo and dancing in my living room to Al Jarreau, Gino Vannelli, George Benson, Earth Wind & Fire. I felt GOOD in my body and enjoyed using it. Of course, I never ever thought I looked good enough, but — hey! — at least I felt strong and powerful and capable.

Things started to shift when I got “serious” about finishing my degree and becoming a flutist — spending hours in class, in the library, in the practice room, in rehearsals, in carpools traveling to gigs. Getting busier and busier, more and more out of balance, more and more stressed.

Eventually I started feeling the pressure to “exercise” in order to lose the weight that was creeping on. What did I know about metabolic syndrome and stress hormones and circadian rhythms and lack of sleep leading to weight gain, etc etc.?!? Bit by bit the fun and spontaneity went away and moving my body became a chore, a “should.” Yuck.


It’s hard to look back and realize that I pretty much had it all, but squandered it, largely due to ignorance and iffy self-esteem (all part of my karma, of course).

Warp speed

AKA that feeling you get when everything is suddenly all happening at once (or at least it feels that way)!

It’s tempting to just keep working in order to feel like I’m getting a handle on it all, but I know that’s not a good idea. For one thing, I’m bound to start making mistakes. And for another thing, I’m trying to get away from that kind of imbalanced behavior.

So, I’m going to stop. Even though there are still a ton of things yet undone on my list. And I’m going to breathe and then go watch a show.

It’ll all be there waiting for me tomorrow.

Listening to the rain

It’s been raining steadily for a good portion of the day. Plus we had quite a bit for a day or two last week.

I’m really hoping that we can finally consider fire season at an end for this year; it will be such a relief, and I’m soooo ready to unpack my go bag! β˜”

Whatever it takes?!?

I had never heard of The Flaming Lips and must confess that my first thought when seeing these photos is that this was all a joke. But no — they really are doing concerts with band and audience inside “space bubbles!”

All I can say is, they get major points for thinking wayyyyy outside the box!

There are no words really…

….to convey what happens to my soul when I hear such perfection of tone and pitch and shared interpretation. I also don’t have words to explain why music affects me this way.

All I know is that this level of harmony opens a doorway to… what? Awakens transcendent memories of….what?

Another dimension???

All I know is music — from a cappella Disney Princess medleys to Beethoven, Brahms, and Mozart; from Mahler, Wagner, and Prokofiev to Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, and Johnny Mathis; from Kenny Loggins, Al Jarreau, and Gino Vanelli to Swami Kriyananda — is able to take me out of myself and into someplace entirely else.

What a gift.

Time to knuckle down….

.and get it done!

(Also known as gearing up for our next virtual choir extravaganza.)

The countdown to the Christmas concert is well underway and the pressure is on!πŸŽ…

Having a TGIF moment

Does anyone celebrate TGIF (aka Thank God It’s Friday) anymore? It was a “thing” during my early adulthood; there was even a restaurant named TGI Friday.

Oh my goodness! I was curious about the spelling of the restaurant name and discovered that they still exist! I guess Friday evening “happy hour” is still a big thing. Wow. Who knew?!?

Anyway, it’s been a rather intense week, with a particularly active Friday to finish it off. So we’re definitely ready to stick a pizza in the oven, pour some kombucha, and watch something light and funny on Netflix.

Thank goodness it’s Friday, y’all!


Don’t tell my inner self-saboteur, but…

πŸ’ž I was in bed before midnight last night (whoohoo!);
πŸ’ž I’ve been meditating regularly;
πŸ’ž I’ve been keeping up my Egoscue exercises, self-myofascial release, and weekly massages, so my shoulder is definitely on the mend;
πŸ’ž I spontaneously started back to doing some important daily practices that fell by the wayside some time ago; AND
πŸ’ž I walked twice around the Rajarsi Park circle today!

Don’t tell, okay? And cross your fingers that I can keep it up! πŸ˜„

Sometimes you need a little Disney

I really needed this tonight.

Music from Disney favorites (Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, and Dumbo), in an incredible arrangement, sung by some of the most amazing singers I’ve ever heard. Musical perfection.

Ahhhh…found my happy place. πŸ₯°πŸŒˆ