Remembering Marriott’s Great America

The Music America show in the Grand Music Hall at Marriott’s Great America (1976)

I happened to see an article in the San Francisco Chronicle today about how the Santa Clara theme park which was originally known as Marriott’s Great America will be closing down for good within the next ten years.

This brought back some very old memories of when I was hired for the show band of the Grand Music Hall the very first year Great America opened, way back in 1976 (almost fifty years ago!).

I was initially very excited about the gig, for two reasons: First of all, it was an actual job where I was paid to play music (and $5.00 an hour was actually pretty good pay back then).

Secondly, it was described as being musical theater. I had recently played for a production of the Broadway musical, “George M!”, the most challenging music I had ever played at that point in my young life. But I had loved it and was eager to do more of the same.

However, the Great America show was more of a musical revue. It was an hour-long show which hit all the usual stops — blues, gospel, rock ‘n roll, something patriotic; John Denver’s “Country Roads”, and ending with “Ease on Down the Road” from The Wiz as the grand finale. The problem was that we repeated that show every hour on the hour — something like eight times a day, six days a week!

I grew so sick of that show I couldn’t believe it. The musicians in the orchestra pit got to the point where we could literally play the music in our sleep.

So, it wasn’t really that great of a gig after all. The park management also did things like have us work on holidays without any additional pay…but they gave us cupcakes. Even in my late teens/early twenties I knew that was bogus!

I didn’t last very long at Great America; I was out of there within about six months. But it was definitely an experience!

“At the Hop”

About my super big yesterday

Choir warming up before the concert

​​To begin with, we’re in the middle of Spiritual Renewal Week here at Ananda Village, our first big in-person event since 2019! Each day there are morning classes, plus special events most evenings.

Which brings me to yesterday. We started out by singing before the morning class with the Joy Singers, leaving immediately after class to drive to town and grab burrito bowl lunches-to-go on the way to my weekly appointment at the Infusion Center.

For this week’s treatment I received four pre-meds, followed by all three of my chemo drugs: Velcade, Darzalex, and Zometa. I was a little nervous since the concert was that night and this was my first time getting all three medications at once.

The treatment lasted two and a half hours. By then we had learned there was a fire not too far from Ananda Village, so we drove home to prepare for the concert while listening to fire reports and hearing about what areas were under mandatory evacuations (as opposed to just warnings).

We only had about an hour to eat dinner, change clothes, and get over the amphitheater to set up the stage, but we started hearing speculation that the concert should be delayed or cancelled because of the fire. So, we called and talked to the Village community manager, a very calm and wise soul who explained why he felt the concert was a “go”, and we totally agreed. And then the power went out! 

But let me back up and give you some context about our concert…

We usually have a well thought out “theme” for our SRW concerts, but this year was simply about finally singing together once again — in person — as a global community! The choir wasn’t large, but we hadn’t had singers from so many different locations singing together in one place since our 50th anniversary event in 2019!

We had been really looking forward to this concert, but we encountered all kinds of obstacles along the way — my health issues; the ongoing COVID realities (increasing cases, singers testing positive, and others avoiding singing as a precaution); having to relocate the concert from the Temple of Light to the outdoor amphitheater, which was the only way we could have a large choir; musicians having accidents that put them out of commission; you name it!

But all along we felt very strongly that we had to keep moving forward with restoring our music to it’s primary place in the life of our global community. Why? Because Ananda Music is such a tremendous tool for uplifting consciousness, which is so needed in the world right now.

View of the fire from Sunset Ridge

The added confusion and challenge of a fire and power outage just a couple of hours before the start of the concert had us wondering whether there weren’t downward pulling energies trying to block the powerfully positive and joyful expression of our music.

If so, we weren’t going to allow it to happen! I was inwardly resolved that the concert would happen — even if we didn’t have power. I figured that we would simply sing unamplified with however many singers showed up and whoever made it to listen would just have to come right up close to hear us!

But the good news is the amphitheater was on a generator, so we did have power. Plus all the singers made it and the concert went miraculously well.

Oh, and I felt absolutely fine the whole night, with no side effects whatsoever from my big chemo treatment. Miracle on top of miracle!

And that was my super big day.

A super big day

It was so big that I simply cannot give it justice tonight. I don’t have enough brain power to write more than a few sentences.

I can’t even manage a photo. Sheesh.

Time’s up!

This hasn’t happened in a while, but it’s taken me well into the evening to finish some time sensitive projects, leaving me out of time to write a creative blog post.

Oh well.

Spiritual Renewal Week begins

Rehearsal for the Tuesday night concert

It feels so good to be having Spiritual Renewal Week in-person once again.

At tonight’s choir rehearsal we had singers from Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, Palo Alto, Los Angeles, Assisi, and Ananda Village (of course).

It’s not a large choir such as we’ve had some years, but it’s thrilling to finally be singing all together once again.

What joy!

My first fawn sighting of the year

I didn’t think twice about the presence of a deer as I walked to my car this morning. I mean, we see deer all. the. time.

But after I was already in the car I realized this was a mama deer, watching over her fawn. I didn’t want to start the car and immediately scare them away, so I grabbed my phone and took a few photos through the window.

After a moment I discovered that there were two mama and fawn families. Too sweet for words!

I guess I’ll never be blasé about baby fawns.

The state of my mind

Yep, this is pretty much where my mind is at tonight.

It’s been the kind of week that leaves one’s brain feeling rather fried.

Time for a movie!

A thought on faith

This is so true. Too true, actually.

You really can’t have the one without the other (although I’ve wasted way too much energy in the past arguing with God about His timing).

End of a crunch day

It feels like the first day in a while that I really got some good work done!

Unfortunately, there’s always more needing to be done than there are hours in the day.

So now I have to force myself to stop and go home before it gets too late.

The good, the bad, the neutral

It’s most definitely good news that I had hardly any reaction to my second shot of Darzalex (the new chemo medication I started last week).

There was a teeny bit of tightness in my chest and I felt rather low energy all evening, but that was nothing compared to a week ago!

The somewhat bad news is that I felt good enough to do a little bit of work — just for a few minutes, really! — and here I am, over an hour later and almost 11:30pm. Arrgghh!

Oh, well. I figure the one is cancelling the other and bringing me to neutral!

Good night, all!