Forever in our hearts

“You are loved”

It is with humility and love that I create this altar for the star babies, the water babies, the angel babies, the spirit babies for Dia de Los Muertos. To the babes: You are not in our arms but forever in our hearts. ❤️ YOU ARE LOVED ❤️

It’s been over a quarter of a century since I first met Jane, whose words are quoted above. She and Shannon were the midwives supporting me through my pregnancy and planned home birth, but their role shifted dramatically the morning I went into labor.

Instead of joyously welcoming a new life to the planet, they helped me move through the process of giving birth while also grieving the stillbirth of my baby. I am so grateful to have had their amazing support during that transformative, life altering experience.

Now, twenty-five years later, I still feel Jane’s loving support through the altar for spirit babies that she creates every year for Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead). Every heart on the altar represents someone’s lost babe and I deeply appreciate having Liam’s light represented there. Thank you, Jane! 💗

The altar in its (impressive) entirety!

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