The peace of God is my one goal

Days like today are such a wonderful opportunity to remember

….that, no matter what, every person on the planet is my spiritual brother and sister.

….that, no matter what the world looks like, the ultimate reality is that it’s all made out of God. As my Science of Mind practitioner used to say: “There is no spot where God is not.” and “You can’t get outside of God.”

….that, no matter the centuries of misunderstandings to the contrary, God is love, God is light, God is Peace. And if there’s no spot where God is not, that means there’s no spot — anywhere — where love is not present. True, we human beings are really, really good at hiding it and disguising it and denying it, but love is still there. Just being love and waiting for us to allow it in.

Even though I don’t particularly enjoy it, I do appreciate the fact that times like these are a blessing in the sense that they force me to build up my spiritual muscle. It’s not always fun, but it is getting me closer to the goal.

I’ve cherished this postcard (pictured above) for more than thirty years because it touched me so deeply when I first saw it, even years and years before I found my true spiritual path. And I’m feeling it more and more with each passing year.

The peace of God is my one goal
the aim of all my living here,
the end I seek,
my purpose and my function and my life.

Quote from A Course in Miracles (Foundation for Inner Peace)