
It’s always a little scary going to see a movie that one’s friends have raved about, so I’m very happy to report that we loved it as well!

I enjoyed everything about this movie, including the fact that it really made me think. I’ve never been a huge fan of the Beatles, though of course I know and love their music. And that’s what’s so intriguing about this movie: it opened my eyes to just how much of the “soundtrack” of my life I take for granted.

I mean, can you imagine life without __________ or __________ (insert your favorite Beatles songs here)? It’s like the lead character, Jack, has been charged with an important mission: to keep that rich musical legacy alive and accessible for the world.

Of course, the music of Swami Kriyananda is something completely different (not least because it’s virtually unknown outside of Ananda!), yet I see parallels. It’s easy for us Ananda devotees to take the “soundtrack” of our spiritual life for granted, but can you imagine our lives without __________ or __________ (insert your favorite Ananda songs here)?

This movie left me feeling soooo grateful for all the powerful music in my life and that much more committed to keeping Swami Kriyananda’s rich, deeply inspiring, and uplifting musical legacy alive and accessible for future generations.