Lost and found

Back in 2006 Ramesha and I moved from Lugano to California for one year…or so we thought. It soon became clear that we would be staying on at Ananda Village, which is where we still are…thirteen years later!

Because our plans were to return to Switzerland, we put all our household goods and furnishings in storage and then had to figure out what to do with it all on our first visit home in fall/winter 2007.

It took a few years worth of flying back and forth to get most everything over to the States. Add in additional moves within the Village and to Los Angeles and back, and it’s gotten harder to remember what we still have and where it all is!

In fact, during our visit to Lugano two years ago, we discovered two boxes at Ramesha’s father’s house which we had completely forgotten about. And the other day we finally went through those boxes.

Not surprisingly, we have absolutely no need for most of the contents — after all, not only has it been over thirteen years since we saw any of this stuff, we didn’t even recall that these boxes existed.

On the other hand, it’s delightful to realize that a few special items which I had given up for lost — like my Krishna statue pictured above — have been waiting all this time to be found once again.

What a great exercise in non-attachment it’s turned out to be…