It works

It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but Ramesha and I aren’t big ones for having music playing all the time. I think part of it for me is that one of my first cars didn’t have a working radio, so I became accustomed to driving everywhere with just my own thoughts to keep me company. Of course, there’s also the fact that, being musicians, we find it hard not to pay attention if music is playing in the background.

But as we approached the end of this first week in Lugano, I noticed I was feeling slightly out of sorts. Even though I was past the jet lag stage I was still feeling sort of low energy and — true confessions here! — rather cranky.

Then last night it hit me…not only are we outside of the spiritual vibration to which we’re accustomed, we’re also not singing for Sunday service; rehearsing with choir; practicing songs on our own; talking about music with Jeannie; hearing the music in The Expanding Light Retreat dining room; etc… (you get the idea!)

So… Radio Ananda to the rescue! We turned it on this morning and again this afternoon, and — ahhhhhh — I feel so much better!