…and how it continued!

My wedding sari.

After the India benefit concert and a first date pizza, it quickly became clear that Ramesha and I were destined to be more than a temporary “item”. I lived in Assisi while he was in Lugano — a 7 or 8 hour drive — but we managed to get together pretty often. He would sometimes join me when the Ananda Singers performed in northern Italy and I would take the train to Lugano when I had enough free days in a row.

But remember the India pilgrimage I was raising money for? It was scheduled for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, which allowed devotees who were teachers to participate. Unfortunately, that meant Ramesha (a middle school teacher) was going, together with thirty or so other dear friends — many of them the core of Ananda Europa’s music, while I was needed at the retreat to “hold down the [music] fort” over the holidays.

I’m sure you can imagine our angst at having to spend our first Christmas apart! I traveled to Lugano in early December so we could celebrate early, then we made our tearful farewells until early January.

One of Ramesha’s last text messages to me before he flew to India was something about having “scaring thoughts”. I didn’t know what to think, but figuring it must be an English language thing, I put it out of my mind and went back to missing him desperately.

We made it through the 3-week separation (with only a little drama) and I traveled up to Lugano again to see him after the New Year. My brief visit was greatly extended when Ananda Assisi was subjected to a raid by the Guardia di Finanza, making it safer for me to remain where I was (a big drama; but that’s a story for another time).

Although concerned about happenings at our Assisi community, we enjoyed the additional time together and in early February he proposed (I said yes, of course)! We consulted with our friend and astrologer, Drupada, for the most auspicious wedding date and started making plans to fly to California in the summer. And this is when things started getting interesting…

I believe it was in April that I raised the question of what we wanted to wear for our wedding. Ramesha’s response was: “Don’t worry about it.”

Ummm….excuse me? “Yeah, it’s all handled. You don’t need to worry about it.”

Whoa, what just a minute! What do you mean, “it’s all handled?!?”

At which point he says: “You’ll understand when you get your birthday present.”

Now, friends, my birthday is June 20. And our wedding was scheduled for July 5. I’m pretty sure I remained calm and loving, but I definitely made it clear that he had better let me see my birthday present NOW. Which (thank goodness!) he did, and — as you’ve probably already guessed, the birthday present was my wedding sari!

Come to find out, the “scaring thoughts” he was having before leaving on pilgrimage were because he already knew he wanted to marry me — even though we’d only been a couple for about six weeks at that point. He told me about how at each shrine during the pilgrimage he would pray to Master about it and the answer was always “yes”.

Then he arrived at Yogananda’s childhood home in Kolkata, where one of Master’s descendants by marriage had a business selling clothing, and he was inspired to purchase our wedding outfits there. This despite the fact that he hadn’t yet proposed to me!

And that is the story of my beautiful wedding sari. 🥻💞

How it all began…

I really am going to share the story of my wedding sari, but — as I started setting the scene and putting things in context — I realized that I’ve already written that part of it! It’s the backstory for a CD we created…read on to learn more…

Once upon a time a flutist-turned-singer from San Francisco moved to Italy to be part of a singing group. She met many wonderful people while she was there, including a young violinist-guitarist-singer from Lugano (Switzerland). They were acquaintances, who–over the course of a year–became good friends.

Sharon (the flutist/singer) was hoping to go on pilgrimage to India and decided to organize a concert to help raise money for the trip. Fabio (the violinist/guitarist/singer), wanted an opportunity to get to know her better, and was already planning to spend that very week at Ananda Assisi (where she lived).

This gave Sharon the great idea to ask Fabio if he would join her on the concert, which he did. They had one day to rehearse, of which perhaps one-fourth was dedicated to the music, while the other three-quarters was spent talking..and laughing…and talking some more!

This is a recording of that concert, which was amazingly well-received, though truly, the music seemed almost besides the point. More important was the birth of a collaboration which led, a day later, to an official “first date”, followed within the year by a wedding and the forming of The Harmony Duo.

Now known as Bhagavati (Sharon) and Ramesha (Fabio) Nani, they recently celebrated the 16th anniversary of their marriage, and are still laughing and talking and making music together as music ministers and co-directors of Ananda Music Worldwide.

P.S. Bhagavati’s music duties in Assisi kept her from going on the pilgrimage to India that year, but her India Benefit CD is once again available (on a donation basis) for anyone who’s interested.

And tomorrow…the sari story (which is not a “sorry” story)! 😂

Too slooowww…

Been feeling slightly “off” all day. All I really want to do at this point is go to bed — maybe even early!!

What I don’t have patience for is waiting for our suddenly really slow internet to function. Which means my wedding sari story has to wait yet another day (hope it still feels worth it once I finally get it written)!

Good night!

…all fall down!

Well, looks like my wedding sari story will have to wait until tomorrow.

This afternoon I was running late for an appointment. I had stuck my feet in my sandals but didn’t actually pull them all the way on. Then I got distracted as I was rushing up to the Temple, my foot slipped or something, and…wham! down I went.

No serious damage done. A skinned knee that’s feeling rather bruised and sore, plus I wasn’t able to entirely avoid a bit of impact to The Shoulder.

Moral of the story? Allow more time. Put your shoes all the way on. And slow down, before Divine Mother makes you slow down.

Wedding memories

While looking for something else entirely, I stumbled upon a bunch of photos from both of our wedding ceremonies: July 5 at Ananda Palo Alto and July 18 at Ananda Assisi, sixteen years ago!

I had forgotten just how vibrant and colorful our Palo Alto wedding altar was (thanks, Manisha!).

And I think in tomorrow’s blog post I’ll tell the story of my wedding sari and how it came to be (I don’t think I’ve shared the story in a previous blog post, have I???).

Surprise find: singing on TV in Italy!

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, I spent a couple of years living in and touring Italy with the Ananda Singers — a group of eight singers (six Americans, one German, and one Italian). It was both wonderfully expansive and incredibly challenging, and I would do it again in a minute.

One of the fun experiences that I had almost completely forgotten about was our appearance on Italian TV. I couldn’t tell you anything about which station (it obviously wasn’t RAI1!), but we were in the town of Vasto on the beautiful Adriatic coast. Looking at photos of Vasto, this cathedral seemed familiar; I know we entered a church to reach the TV studio.

Anyways, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Bhaktan had uploaded this video of our performance. I can hardly believe this was almost twenty years ago! Finding it now feels particularly poignant because we had to cancel our trip to Europe this year and don’t know when we’ll be able to go. I really miss it.

The Lair of the Golden Bear

I recently learned of the passing of Ed and Betty Bates, longtime friends of my family. Ed was superintendent of the Milpitas Unified School District at pretty much the same time that my father was President of the Board of Education, which was most of my growing up years (or so it seemed to me).

Ed and Betty were married for 70 years(!). He left his body just 47 days after she did. What an amazing couple they were.

My Dad and Ed were also UC Berkeley alumni, along with Nobby Nakamura (the school architect), and several school principals. Lasting friendships were forged, which eventually expanded into taking family vacations together at the Lair of the Golden Bear — the UC Berkeley alumni-owned summer camp.

Thinking about all this brought back many memories of the Lair. We stayed in tent cabins and ate all our meals in the big dining hall. There were activities for every age group, so parents could actually relax. I especially remember the evening campfires; the non-chlorinated pool; the grown-ups gathering for happy hour every afternoon; learning how to make copper enamel jewelry — some of which I still have to this day!

I must have been around eleven or twelve years old when we first started going to the Lair. Of course, all the staff members were Cal students. I was so impressed by them, and by how much fun they were having, that I made the decision to attend UC Berkeley myself, just so I could be staff at the Lair (I also planned to integrate the UC Berkeley marching band, which at that time had no blacks and no women)!

Of course, by the time I graduated from high school — poised to pursue a career in music — I understood that spending summers at the Lair and joining the marching band weren’t really the best criteria for determining where to go to college. But the wonderful memories remain.

A musical prayer for Peace

So here’s the musical prayer appeal that we’ll be sharing tomorrow…

Dear friends,

Our hearts are breaking to see the devastation that California is enduring at this time. And it’s compounded by our awareness of so many other crises piling up, one on top of the other. It would be easy to give in to despair, to feel helpless in the face of so much destruction and negativity. But we feel called to do what we can!

That means praying, of course, and we hope to join with many others around the world in praying intensely for mitigation of these fires and healing of our planet. But something else we can do is to spread peace through music: namely, the soothing, healing vibration of Swami Kriyananda singing
Peace — one of his most beautiful, powerful, and beloved songs.

We plan to share the video of this song with our Ananda Music mailing list; with all our Ananda singers, chanters, and musicians around the globe; and with our Ananda Sangha Worldwide.

We will also ask everyone who listens to this song and feels more calm and peaceful as a result to please share it with 5-10 of their friends…asking those friends to then share it as well. It is our belief that the healing vibration of this song can help to calm the winds and cool the flames, within ourselves and in our external environment.
We hope you’ll join us.

In divine peace,

Bhagavati & Ramesha

PEACE by Swami Kriyananda
Peace gave us the mountains.
Peace gave us the sky.
Nightly, when starlight enfolds us,
Peace is its lullaby.
Amen. Amen.

Peace gave us the morning.
Peace gave us the sun.
Bird songs that call us to welcome
Day, and fresh labors begun.
Amen. Amen.

Peace gave us the seasons.
Peace gave us the rain—
Cool clouds that gather to bless us,
Mist hands that soothe away pain.
Amen. Amen.

Peace gave us our hearts’ love.
Peace gave us our smiles:
Rays of God’s presence within us.
Light that all strife reconciles.
Amen. Amen.

Sending love…

…to California and around the globe.

I’m still developing my “plan”, but very much resonating with this image in the meantime. God bless all firefighters and first responders everywhere.