Surprise find: singing on TV in Italy!

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, I spent a couple of years living in and touring Italy with the Ananda Singers — a group of eight singers (six Americans, one German, and one Italian). It was both wonderfully expansive and incredibly challenging, and I would do it again in a minute.

One of the fun experiences that I had almost completely forgotten about was our appearance on Italian TV. I couldn’t tell you anything about which station (it obviously wasn’t RAI1!), but we were in the town of Vasto on the beautiful Adriatic coast. Looking at photos of Vasto, this cathedral seemed familiar; I know we entered a church to reach the TV studio.

Anyways, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Bhaktan had uploaded this video of our performance. I can hardly believe this was almost twenty years ago! Finding it now feels particularly poignant because we had to cancel our trip to Europe this year and don’t know when we’ll be able to go. I really miss it.

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