How it all began…

I really am going to share the story of my wedding sari, but — as I started setting the scene and putting things in context — I realized that I’ve already written that part of it! It’s the backstory for a CD we created…read on to learn more…

Once upon a time a flutist-turned-singer from San Francisco moved to Italy to be part of a singing group. She met many wonderful people while she was there, including a young violinist-guitarist-singer from Lugano (Switzerland). They were acquaintances, who–over the course of a year–became good friends.

Sharon (the flutist/singer) was hoping to go on pilgrimage to India and decided to organize a concert to help raise money for the trip. Fabio (the violinist/guitarist/singer), wanted an opportunity to get to know her better, and was already planning to spend that very week at Ananda Assisi (where she lived).

This gave Sharon the great idea to ask Fabio if he would join her on the concert, which he did. They had one day to rehearse, of which perhaps one-fourth was dedicated to the music, while the other three-quarters was spent talking..and laughing…and talking some more!

This is a recording of that concert, which was amazingly well-received, though truly, the music seemed almost besides the point. More important was the birth of a collaboration which led, a day later, to an official “first date”, followed within the year by a wedding and the forming of The Harmony Duo.

Now known as Bhagavati (Sharon) and Ramesha (Fabio) Nani, they recently celebrated the 16th anniversary of their marriage, and are still laughing and talking and making music together as music ministers and co-directors of Ananda Music Worldwide.

P.S. Bhagavati’s music duties in Assisi kept her from going on the pilgrimage to India that year, but her India Benefit CD is once again available (on a donation basis) for anyone who’s interested.

And tomorrow…the sari story (which is not a “sorry” story)! 😂