Was still…went deep…

…and now I’m home, practicing “no judgement”. 🙂

Here’s the phrase that popped into my mind as I was driving home from the Temple of Light after the first two hours of meditation this morning: “Whatever is, simply is; I cannot change it for the mere wishing.”

That’s part of the affirmation for “Truthfulness” in Swami Kriyananda’s book Affirmations for Self-Healing (I looked it up when I got home).

Lately it feels like “truthfulness” is a large part of the reason for this blog, which seems to exist largely as a way for me to practice (again from Affirmations for Self-Healing) “…seeing things as they really are, but then looking more deeply for ways to improve those realities.”

The truth about my meditation today is that it was deep and inspiring, but I can’t maintain the stillness for very long because of how much tension and dysfunction are present in my body. I was making progress on remedying this, but then I got super-busy with Christmas preparations and gave myself permission to not beat myself up about putting it on the back-burner for a time. Which was fine and necessary, but today’s meditation has made me super-eager to get back to it as soon as possible!

So…yes, it was a good meditation. And I’ll go back for the afternoon portion which doesn’t require as much sitting still.

The affirmation for “Truthfulness” ends with: “Fearlessly, therefore, I accept the truth, knowing that, at the heart of everything, God’s truth is always good.”

Or, as we would put it during our time in LA: “It’s all good!”