Oh goodie!

I get to be honest and authentic and admit that I’m in a funky mood. Che gioia (what joy)!

This is one of those times when the path of wisdom is to quit while I’m ahead. Good night.

Filled to the brim

We spent the evening with yet another amazing group of Living Disciples…singing and laughing and going deep into a number of our children’s songs (all composed by Swami Kriyananda).

Just for fun I’m listing my favorite two lines from each song that we sang. It’s a fairly random selection of phrases from a variety of simple children’s songs and yet…these simple lyrics are filled to the brim with enough wisdom and truth to last a lifetime!

Sing in the meadows and ev’rywhere:
Sing out a blessing to ev’ryone!

All the world is my friend
When I learn how to share my love

Teach me all my friends to bless,
Hold them in Thy light.

Move, all you mountains that stand in my way,
Nothing can stop my progress!

Lightly I fly when I live in laughter,
Lightly I fly when my heart sings.

Serve Him with thought, with hand and limb;
Love Him without any reason.

All the world should be dancing,
For God made us all!

What a gift for children to have their consciousness filled with thoughts like these throughout their childhood.

Dinner wisdom

A lot of insights were shared during the Living Disciples’ dinner conversation tonight. Below are a few choice gems that I particularly resonated with.

Sometimes when we chant “I want only Thee, Lord”, we can’t help but be aware that–actually–we want a lot of things besides God! So we can change it in our mind to “I want to want only Thee, Lord!”

Or another way of approaching it is to realize that, whatever we’re desiring, it’s really only God that we want:
Want money? God is infinite abundance.
Want a relationship? God is love.
Want more health? God is life energy.
Want to laugh and have fun? God is joy.
(You get the idea.)

And, finally, sometimes it’s hard to access a sense of willingness, but we can be willing to be willing. Or even willing to be willing to be willing. 🙂

I love hearing and thinking about these sorts of tips and practical approaches to the spiritual path.