Dinner wisdom

A lot of insights were shared during the Living Disciples’ dinner conversation tonight. Below are a few choice gems that I particularly resonated with.

Sometimes when we chant “I want only Thee, Lord”, we can’t help but be aware that–actually–we want a lot of things besides God! So we can change it in our mind to “I want to want only Thee, Lord!”

Or another way of approaching it is to realize that, whatever we’re desiring, it’s really only God that we want:
Want money? God is infinite abundance.
Want a relationship? God is love.
Want more health? God is life energy.
Want to laugh and have fun? God is joy.
(You get the idea.)

And, finally, sometimes it’s hard to access a sense of willingness, but we can be willing to be willing. Or even willing to be willing to be willing. 🙂

I love hearing and thinking about these sorts of tips and practical approaches to the spiritual path.

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