A few more photos (Ananda East LA)

I completely dropped the ball when it came to taking photos at our Saturday workshop in East LA. Suffice it to say that everything was beautiful and we had a small but enthusiastic group of attendees….singers who also happened to be the choir members, and who spent the second half of the workshop rehearsing songs for Sunday service with us.

Service on Sunday was my first time serving as an “official” Lightbearer; this also went quite well. Then, after a brief rest, Dharana and Pritha drove us to Forest Lawn cemetery, so we could visit Yogananda’s crypt. It was so peaceful and inspiring; I was really glad we made the time to go there.

Finally we arrived back at the ashram, ready to join the residents in some major “relax & have fun” time — namely, pizza and a movie! (I was also finally able to remember to take a few pics.)📷

Hanuman, Lucia, and Pritha blessing the pizza
Hanuman describing our pizza choices while Lucia and Dharana look on
Tony, Lucia, Yogini, and Ramesha: ready for the movie, “Encanto”
So relaxed and comfortable! Pritha, Dharana, Tony, Lucia, Yogini, and Ramesha’s knee
Hanuman and Aumkara, together with Sri Yukteswar

Sleep stealers

A number of factors contributed to last night being the worst night’s sleep I’ve had in ages.

First of all, we had been out to dinner, so it took a while to settle down and let the food digest, etc. The end result being that I didn’t get to bed until fairly late.

Secondly, it’s still been really hot — which never helps.

And finally, it was a full moon!

All in all, I slept just a little more than three hours. Functioning during Sunday service was definitely a struggle.

Laying low

Woke up feeling kind of “off” and felt more and more “off” as the morning progressed.

None of the challenges were respiratory, so I negotiated the various health issues as best I could and went on to Sunday service.

All seemed fine…until it wasn’t!

I made it through the offertory song (on which I was playing flute), asked another alto to take over Festival of Light duties, and quickly gathered up all my stuff. Before I could leave for home, my innards insisted on a bathroom stop in order to empty themselves out.

Feeling slightly better, but really tired, I got home, laid down, and pretty much slept the afternoon away.

I think whatever it was has passed, but it was definitely a laying low kind of day.

Getting back to normal

What a joy to be back in the Temple of Light and attending Sunday service for the first time since April 14 (and what a relief to make it the whole time without a coughing fit)!

It was also a joy to eat lunch in the company of dear friends afterwards.

Our beautiful temple, filled with fellow devotees. Uplifting music; deep silence during the meditation; and an inspiring talk by Ananta.

I felt nourished and replenished by all of it.

So exhausted

Sunday service at Ananda LA, followed by a potluck. Then the long drive home.

Completely done in.

Intense weekend: Day 2

Left the house early for rehearsal. Participated in an amazingly beautiful Sunday service. Took a break for lunch. Then went to our first meeting and run-through for the Christmas play.

I was completely wiped out by the time I got home.

So, what did I end up doing? I went outside and sat in the late-afternoon October sun, enjoying the stillness while watching (and listening) to grasshoppers hop around and do their thing.

SRW highlight + Guru Purnima

Out of a week full of deeply inspiring and uplifted moments, I believe the ultimate highlight for me was singing “O Master” on Sunday service.

It felt appropriate to skip the usual solo singer and invite everyone (choir and congregation) to sing the melody right from the beginning of the song. Then, as the full arrangement unfolded, the power of the song simply grew and grew.

The words are so heart opening and meaningful, but what really put it over the top for me was singing it together with at least 300 devotees, and feeling the lived reality of the lyrics that speak of “the truth that we’re all one (emphasis is mine).

On Sunday I was so caught up with the completion of Spiritual Renewal Week that I didn’t tune into the fact that Guru Purnima — a time to express gratitude towards one’s spiritual teacher (or Guru) — was the very next day. It wasn’t planned that way, but what a perfect divinely inspired time to be singing “O Master”!

Here’s the video of the choir singing it during Sunday service. There are even a few moments when the camera captures a few of the hundreds of people singing along with us.

O Master lyrics

O Master, may Thy joy fill our days.
O Master, may Thy wisdom guide our ways.

The time has come for us to see
That there’s but one reality
Upon the earth and high above:
The truth that all was made from love.

A love that calls to us to fly
Above the hills, above the sky,
Above the storms, above the pain:
A land where peace and laughter reign.

O Master, may Thy joy fill our days.
O Master, may thy wisdom guide our ways.

Guide all our hopes and all our dreams
Past every glow that only seems,
Into the light, the inner sun,
Into the truth that we’re all one.

Help us to find in every hour,
In every thought in every flower,
A joy that spans eternity,
The truth that makes us ever free.

O Master, may Thy joy fill our days.
O Master, may Thy wisdom guide our ways.

Just what I needed

Swami Kriyananda performing the Festival of Light

I always find Ananda’s Sunday service to be inspiring, but some weeks it is so deeply inspiring that I feel fully recalibrated by the end.

Today was one of those Sunday services, and it was just what I needed — exactly when I needed it! (Not to mention the lingering impact of the uplifting Sevaka Retreat that took place the day before.)

I’m so grateful to be starting Spiritual Renewal Week with a renewed awareness of — and strengthened commitment to — living my life in service to God.

I especially love the words in this portion of the Festival of Light that we hear every Sunday:

Many times has that light descended,
Drawn to earth by the call of aspiring love.
Your chosen people have always been
Those of every race and nation
Who, with deep love, chose Thee.

(The minister lifts the candle aloft with both hands to symbolize this choice.)
Please pray with me:

O Lord,
With all my heart,
With all my mind,
With all my soul,
And with all my strength
I choose Thy love,
I choose only Thee.

And so I do…again and again and again. 🙏

It feels great to be back

My voice is a little out of shape — it’s been two months, after all! — and my lingering cough didn’t help matters.

But what a joy to be singing for Sunday service again!

Onward and upward

I really appreciated the many words of support in response to my post about making the wrong choice.

It’s so helpful to be reminded that I’m not alone in my little delusive tendencies, and so encouraging to know my friends are rooting for me to turn things around and head in the right direction again.

It was also validating to realize that today’s Sunday service message could have been dedicated especially to me, it was sooooo spot on — from start to finish!