Just what I needed

Swami Kriyananda performing the Festival of Light

I always find Ananda’s Sunday service to be inspiring, but some weeks it is so deeply inspiring that I feel fully recalibrated by the end.

Today was one of those Sunday services, and it was just what I needed — exactly when I needed it! (Not to mention the lingering impact of the uplifting Sevaka Retreat that took place the day before.)

I’m so grateful to be starting Spiritual Renewal Week with a renewed awareness of — and strengthened commitment to — living my life in service to God.

I especially love the words in this portion of the Festival of Light that we hear every Sunday:

Many times has that light descended,
Drawn to earth by the call of aspiring love.
Your chosen people have always been
Those of every race and nation
Who, with deep love, chose Thee.

(The minister lifts the candle aloft with both hands to symbolize this choice.)
Please pray with me:

O Lord,
With all my heart,
With all my mind,
With all my soul,
And with all my strength
I choose Thy love,
I choose only Thee.

And so I do…again and again and again. 🙏