A take-it-easy Saturday

I consciously left today completely unscheduled.

Last weekend was chock-full of activity; it was followed by an extra busy week; tomorrow is Sunday service; then this coming week we head down to Los Angeles for a weekend of programs.

So, when I realized I had no commitments on today’s calendar I promised myself I would leave it empty…and I did! In fact, I’m enjoying not having much of anything to share about the day.

I watered the garden. I sat on the patio. I read my book. I did some gentle exercise. I sat on the patio. I chatted with Ramesha. I read my book some more. I ate some good meals. I did dishes. I sat on the patio. We watched a show in the evening. And I’m on track to be in bed by 11:00pm.

A nice relaxing day, indeed.

Welcoming the weekend

The above photo has absolutely no relation to the weekend that’s in front of me —

Tomorrow morning is Rajarsi Day, when I’ll be helping with Temple of Light landscaping-related duties; tomorrow afternoon we have a satsang with Ananda Australia; Sunday morning is service; Sunday late afternoon the music team has an early dinner in town to celebrate accomplishments, travels, returns, healings, birthdays, and new beginnings.

Then we head into a new week, with our Patreon video to create; choir and ensemble rehearsals to lead; our own music and solos to learn/rehearse; and the many details of SRW to prepare.

Upon deeper reflection, the above photo will serve to focus my vision…of manifesting several days or even a week on a lake or at the coast, sitting and relaxing next to a body of water.

My latest fantasy

Lately I’ve been fantasizing about holing up for (at least) two to four days in a quiet, peaceful spot (near the ocean would be absolutely ideal) and reading books.

That used to be one of my favorite things to do as a child, as a teenager, and as a young adult. In fact, I can recall days when I would do nothing but read. It was very relaxing for me.

Now I sneak it in by reading while I’m doing something else. But it’s not the same. Not at all.

Watching clouds

I’m getting better and better at this whole relaxing thing.

A good portion of my afternoon was spent sitting on the patio simply watching the clouds go by.

The ultimate in doing nothing.

Vacation thoughts

Santa Barbara

One’s approach to taking a vacation is different when you and your spouse hail from different continents.

Starting in 2004, at least 90% of our “vacations” have been international flights to visit family and friends. And of course, between the long flight and time spent trying to see everybody, those trips usually aren’t all that relaxing,

The other 10% of our vacations have been occasional jaunts, usually after an especially intense period of work or activity. Like the 3-4 nights in Ashland after the Oratorio one year.

The longest purely vacation time we’ve ever spent was 5 nights in Rimini (Italy) in 2005 — no commitments, no obligations, no people we had to see. Of course, it was super crowded but still relaxing.

Since we weren’t able to go to Europe again this year, we’ve known we needed to schedule in a real break of some sort, but week after week was passing by without us making any decisions. Until we realized that if we didn’t book something immediately the holiday season would be upon us and we would miss our window of opportunity!

So, I’m happy to report that after much searching, we found what looks like a lovely and surprisingly affordable spot in Santa Barbara, where we’ll spend 5 nights next month. And now that it’s booked we can’t wait to go!

Missed it again

Ramesha got home from teaching a class to the Yoga Teacher Training group and we got to chatting and laughing…and I ended up missing my deadline to write the blog!

Oh well, relaxing in the evening with the hubby is a good thing. 🙂

Living lyrics

At Oregon Creek Day Use Campground on the Middle Yuba River

This morning I lived the truth of some favorite song lyrics — we left home in the sunshine, drove by some meadows, and sat by a stream to just be! And boy oh boy was it nice. 🙂

Oregon Creek is only a few minutes from our home; we’re determined to visit regularly in the future in order to take advantage of its relaxing beauty.

Here are the full lyrics to There’s Joy in the Heavens (by Swami Kriyananda):

There’s joy in the heavens,
A smile on the mountains,
And melody sings everywhere.
The flowers are all laughing
To welcome the morning;
Your soul is as free as the air.

Leave home in the sunshine:
Dance through a meadow—
Or sit by a stream and just be.
The lilt of the water
Will gather your worries
And carry them down to the sea.

Men hunger for freedom,
But don’t see their dungeon
Is only the thought that they’re bound!
Desires are their shackles:
The hope that tomorrow
The doorway to joy will be found.

There’s joy all around us!
Why wait till tomorrow?
We’ve only this moment to live.
A heaven within us
Is ours for the finding,
A freedom no riches can give!