Living lyrics

At Oregon Creek Day Use Campground on the Middle Yuba River

This morning I lived the truth of some favorite song lyrics — we left home in the sunshine, drove by some meadows, and sat by a stream to just be! And boy oh boy was it nice. 🙂

Oregon Creek is only a few minutes from our home; we’re determined to visit regularly in the future in order to take advantage of its relaxing beauty.

Here are the full lyrics to There’s Joy in the Heavens (by Swami Kriyananda):

There’s joy in the heavens,
A smile on the mountains,
And melody sings everywhere.
The flowers are all laughing
To welcome the morning;
Your soul is as free as the air.

Leave home in the sunshine:
Dance through a meadow—
Or sit by a stream and just be.
The lilt of the water
Will gather your worries
And carry them down to the sea.

Men hunger for freedom,
But don’t see their dungeon
Is only the thought that they’re bound!
Desires are their shackles:
The hope that tomorrow
The doorway to joy will be found.

There’s joy all around us!
Why wait till tomorrow?
We’ve only this moment to live.
A heaven within us
Is ours for the finding,
A freedom no riches can give!