Time with friends

Today we were productive in the social arena.

In the morning we had delicious chai at the home of friends with whom we had been attempting to connect for six months or so. At long last, mission accomplished! And it was a thoroughly fun and delightful visit with the two of them plus their adorable children.

Then this evening we went to town for an Italian pizza dinner with another friend. Again, delightful and fun (and delicious!).

I also accomplished various tasks that needed doing around the house. All in all an active but relaxed day.

Task lists & Mind Maps

First of all, I managed to transfer a lot of reminders into an online task list (it feels so great throwing away the little slips of paper!).

Then I researched and selected some possible Mind Map-type templates for capturing and organizing the Big Ideas that have been floating around my brain. Those ideas often feel vague and overwhelming; my hope is to ground them by getting them written down.

I even uploaded a bunch of photos from Dad’s birthday party into the shared photo album!

All in all, I’m feeling cautiously hopeful that I’ve turned a corner…and have returned to a more productive frame of mind and energy flow.

Today: early, full, productive

Well, this morning I woke up before the alarm. In fact, it was before the crack of dawn!

I made it to my appointment on time, then did some banking and grocery shopping before heading home. I was concerned about making it back in time for an important meeting but it turns out I was a few minutes early and the first one to arrive.

The whole day continued along the same lines. Full and productive, all afternoon and into the night, since Tuesday is when both choir and ensemble rehearse.

But now I’m pooped and ready to hit the sack. And I’m thinking how nice it would be to build up some early morning momentum.

Scattered and unfocused: my new normal

I’m slowly coming to realize that I actually haven’t been settling back into my routines very well. In fact, I can’t quite remember what my routines are.

I still get work done, but it feels rather haphazard and is often driven by the pressure of deadlines and urgency. Not ideal.

I started wondering what’s wrong with me that I’m not “knuckling down” and “getting it done.”

But then I thought, “Oh, right. The pandemic.” And, “Oh, right. Cancer.” Both, in their own way, dismantled any sense of normalcy.

The pandemic did it by completely obliterating routine, while cancer simply imposed its own demanding routine and schedule for pretty much a full year.

This realization doesn’t magically make everything fall into place, but at least I can acknowledge why it’s feeling like such an uphill battle to get focused and productive.

And though “scattered and unfocused” may be my current normal, I have faith it’s only temporary.

Out of juice

It was a long day, full of non-stop activity, and capped off with a very productive but intense run-through rehearsal for next week’s Oratorio.

Time to relax and unwind a bit before trying to sleep.

A productive Sunday

Free Tree Rock Lotus photo and picture

This morning was about singing for Sunday service (which included a beautiful talk by our friend, Erin!).

I spent the afternoon absorbed in reading the memoir of Maurice White and learning more about his vision for founding one of my all-time favorite bands: Earth, Wind & Fire. Really inspiring stuff, which I’ll probably share more about in the future.

Finally I needed to spend some time on my Italian, which has become a priority since we’ll be going to Europe in April to visit Ramesha’s family after an absence of almost four years. I’m determined to be able actually to converse with my in-laws and our close friends, so I’m quite grateful to have discovered a wonderful program called Italiano Automatico, which I’m listening to every day.

So the next installment of how I continued to get to know Swami Kriyananda will have to wait until tomorrow.

Being productive

Today was spent catching up at home.

Weeding and watering the garden. Tending the roses. Cleaning out the refrigerator. Doing laundry. Putting together a plant stand for the living room.

You get the idea.

All in all it was quite the productive Saturday.

A surprisingly productive day

I didn’t sleep quite as much as I would have liked, due to needing to do lots of prep for today.

However, I still managed to attend an early morning Zoom meeting, then head straight into presenting our monthly music satsang for the Ananda Virtual Community.

Afterward there were follow-up tasks for the satsang, after which time was spent unexpectedly connecting with other music team members.

Then I got in the flow of writing long overdue emails and next thing I know it’s the end of the day. Go figure!

So no, I didn’t cut firewood, but the photo reflects how I feel about my day. 💪

A blessed Sunday

This was jam-packed Sunday, filled with moments both uplifting and inspiring; practical and productive; even nurturing and fun!

Feeling grateful for it all.

Absolutely done in

This koala looks how I feel.

It’s been an extremely full and very long day; satisfyingly productive, but exhausting.

Good night!