What I especially love about Umbria

I stayed home all day today, fighting off a little cold before it could become something big and troublesome.

It was wonderful.

I didn’t talk to anyone except Ramesha. I didn’t go out at all. I puttered around the apartment doing things slowly. I gazed out of the windows. But best of all, I got reacquainted with the deep peace and profound stillness of the Umbrian countryside.

I remember how struck I was by the quiet and stillness when I moved to Ananda Assisi back in 2002. A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, I was used to lots of noise and jangly energy.

Being in Umbria was a revelation to me, one that I was very happy to rediscover today.

The absolute first priority

What an important reminder (thank you, Ramesha).

Over and over again I fall into the trap of believing the Ego on this one. Of course, it never ever works.

When will I finally and forever listen to Spirit and make finding peace my absolute first priority?

Which brought to mind this A Course in Miracles quote card, which I’ve had for years and years and wrote about in a blog post from 2020:

The peace of God is my one goal
The aim of all my living here,
The end I seek,
My purpose and my function and my life.

Holding on to the peace

My seclusion has ended and I’m back in the flow of life’s busyness.

But I spent a good portion of a week in silence, by myself, meditating, seeing beauty around me on my walks, enjoying every quiet moment…and I’m going to do my best to carry that peace into my daily life.

For tonight, I’m just really grateful.

Twilight stillness

I’m easing into a time of seclusion.

I’m not completely “secluded” yet, as I have to finish a few things tonight and during a small portion of tomorrow afternoon.

But the magic is still happening. Like during a last minute decision to go for a walk this evening.

It was almost dark, but so beautiful. And so still. I could see bats flitting through the air. I could hear silence.

I could feel peace.

The beauty and peace of Umbria

A typical Umbrian scene

This is the view from where we’re staying in our friend’s Airbnb near Ananda Assisi.

In the five years since we were last in Umbria I had almost forgotten just how beautiful these hillside views are…and how it’s what you see in pretty much any direction you look.

And then there’s the quiet and sense of peace that pervades the area. Ramesha and I were speculating that perhaps it has to do with the fact that the vast majority of visitors to this area are religious/spiritual tourists — drawn to Assisi because of St Francis.

Whatever the reason, my soul loves it here.

Accepting and embracing it all

This was the message I received on my Momentum Dash the other day. Not surprisingly, it made me think about, not just the current challenges I’m facing, but how best to approach living in general and life itself.

I believe it’s basic human nature to want to deny and reject experiences that we find painful, difficult, or uncomfortable; I’ve done it myself time and time again throughout my lifetime. But it’s contractive, which is not a good strategy for actually rising above those experiences.

In order to accept and wholeheartedly embrace what in front of us — no matter how painful or difficult or uncomfortable — we have to raise our energy, draw on inner strength, listen to intuition, and be open and receptive to all kinds of help.

And that’s expansive, which is our best, most excellent strategy for creating a life experience filled with love, joy, peace, and abundance.

Oasis of peace

I’m totally stealing this photo and its description from Ramesha, who posted it on Facebook. (Thanks for providing content for my blog post, amore mio!)

What makes it perfect is that I actually spent a fair amount of time hanging out in this peaceful oasis today.

In fact, it was a very mellow Saturday.

Craving peace

Do you ever find yourself craving a particular song, because you need how it makes you feel? Well, that’s what I’ve been feeling today about Swami Kriyananda’s song, “Peace.”

We need it.

“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.”
–Saint Francis of Assisi

Pablo Picasso – Dove of Peace, 1962

Observing St Francis’s feast day

Because no one knows exactly when St. Francis of Assisi was born, his feast day is celebrated on October 4, the anniversary of his death in 1226.

We hadn’t thought about any of this when the music was planned for today’s Sunday service. But through a series of serendipities (in hindsight, at least) we ended up singing two of Swami Kriyananda’s St. Francis songs: Make Us Channels of Thy Peace (which we even “randomly” decided to do in both English and Italian!) and Peace.

I love it when Divine Mother organizes things without our conscious participation!