It works

It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but Ramesha and I aren’t big ones for having music playing all the time. I think part of it for me is that one of my first cars didn’t have a working radio, so I became accustomed to driving everywhere with just my own thoughts to keep me company. Of course, there’s also the fact that, being musicians, we find it hard not to pay attention if music is playing in the background.

But as we approached the end of this first week in Lugano, I noticed I was feeling slightly out of sorts. Even though I was past the jet lag stage I was still feeling sort of low energy and — true confessions here! — rather cranky.

Then last night it hit me…not only are we outside of the spiritual vibration to which we’re accustomed, we’re also not singing for Sunday service; rehearsing with choir; practicing songs on our own; talking about music with Jeannie; hearing the music in The Expanding Light Retreat dining room; etc… (you get the idea!)

So… Radio Ananda to the rescue! We turned it on this morning and again this afternoon, and — ahhhhhh — I feel so much better!

Music as entertainment

“Music is so much more than entertainment. It doesn’t merely reflect a state of consciousness: It also generates it.”
–Swami Kriyananda

It’s not that music can’t ever be entertainment. It’s just that we can benefit greatly from recognizing that it’s much more than “just” entertainment.

The next time you’re listening to your favorite music, notice where your consciousness is and whether your energy is going up the spine or down. Then ask yourself if where that music is taking you is where you really want to go.

The way of Ananda Music

I’ve been thinking about how Ananda is not just a physical location–the place I live. It’s also the way I live.

Similarly, Ananda Music is not just the physical sounds–the sheet music, recordings, and performances in which I participate. It’s also the way I participate–as a disciple and devotee first and foremost…seeking to get my little “self” out of the way, so that my higher “Self” can express through the music.

This is what makes Ananda choirs and singing ensembles powerful far beyond our actual musical skills. Every singer is doing their best to be ever more open and receptive to the divine flow. And, sure enough, grace shows up!

Which brings to mind one of my favorite quotes by my guru, Paramhansa Yogananda*: The instrument is blessed by that which flows through it.

So true.

* Yesterday I incorrectly attributed this quote to Swami Kriyananda. Sorry!

Happy Birthday, Swamiji!

Today, May 19, is the birthday of Swami Kriyananda (aka J. Donald Walters). He would have been 93 years old today and—in a roundabout kind of way—this blog post is in his honor. Swamiji (that’s what I call him, out of respect and gratitude) gave me so very much, but probably his biggest gift to me was that he composed the music to which I’ve dedicated my life for the past twenty years.

Of course, as a professional flutist I loved playing his instrumentals, then over the years I sang so much of Swamiji’s music that I sort of became a singer! More important than any of that, however, is that I found my dharma, my life’s purpose—to be a promoter, cheerleader, and advocate for Ananda Music.

So, the thing is that I actually created this blog at the beginning of the year, but—after establishing the ground work—I found myself unable to commit any words to paper (or internet, I guess I should say). I understood the reason why: DOUBT. Doubt that I had anything worth saying. Doubt that I could express clearly anything I did think of to say. Doubt, doubt, doubt…!

It’s been a big part of the story of my life and it was a relief a number of years ago to finally have it explained to me in terms of astrology. Not that it changed anything, but at least I gained some perspective around it.

The truth is that lots and lots of thoughts and ideas—especially about music—come to me and they inspire me enough that I write them down, then tuck them away. The other day I found a collection of these little slips of paper and realized that by allowing doubts to stifle my self-expression, I’m blocking any possibility of Swamiji using me as a potential channel of inspiration to others. And that’s not okay.

So, in honor of Swamiji’s birthday, I’m officially launching this blog. And I’ll share my thoughts and ideas no matter what doubts may come.

Thank you, Swamiji.