Major gratitude

We accomplished a lot in this afternoon’s music retreat, but a particularly powerful moment for me was answering the following question:

“In your heart of hearts, what do you want most to accomplish in the music or the Arts before you leave the planet?”

This was my answer:

” To help establish a really deep, really strong, absolutely clear and attuned core music leadership that will protect and carry forward Swami’s musical legacy far into the future, which will assure the future of Ananda as well.”

Beyond that, I’m just so grateful… to be part of such a dynamic team; for the blessing of our music; and for the meaning and purpose it gives to my life.

Choir is back…and dancing!

For the first time in months…

…all our music team members were back from our various travels and present at tonight’s rehearsal.

…the full choir was back at it, with everybody ready to dive into preparations for Spiritual Renewal Week.

The ensemble has actually been meeting and holding down the fort throughout the weeks when Ramesha and I (and also Dambara) were off traveling, but it was great to be back with them again.

And to make things extra fun, Pavani led us in dancing the Horah, in order to get the right unified feel for Swami’s song, “A New Tomorrow.”

It was a great rehearsal. 😊

A day filled with satsang

A definition of satsang that I like is: “the act of gathering with like-minded, uplifting people, especially those on a spiritual path.”

So, today was most definitely a day filled with satsang — from start to finish.

First off was the monthly staff meeting of our Ananda Worldwide outreach ministries. Led by Jyotish and Devi, it’s always deeply inspiring to hear the reports from the various departments.

Next was our weekly music team meeting — always fun, but today was particularly interesting as we explored new directions for our YouTube presence.

There was time in the afternoon to actually get some of my own work done, but the evening was spent at the Ananda Meditation Retreat — sharing about Ananda Music with the current Living Discipleship group.

A satisfying day filled to the brim with one joyous satsang after another.

Perspective is everything

Perspective truly is everything, isn’t it?

I mean, from the perspective of the present moment I’m really — and I mean really — glad that we made the decision to stay home this fall.

I say that largely because all the rest of our music team members are in the midst of flux and change and challenge right now.

From an imminent knee surgery to helping an elderly parent move to a new state, and from touring Europe with Asha to an extended visit to India…there’s going to be a whole lot of coming and going!

So, I’m grateful and content to help hold down the fort for a change.

Reflecting on friendship

We spent time with wonderful friends from both sides of the world today.

In the early evening we met with members of our Ananda Village music team. We’ve been in touch by text and email, but — with less than a week to go before we return home — it felt like time to begin the process of fully reengaging with our ministry there.

But more than that, it was an opportunity to hang out with dear friends that we haven’t seen now for almost two months.

Later in the evening we went to the home of our friends, Dudo and Karin, for tea. They’ve been my dear friends ever since Ramesha and I got together in 2003, though he’s known them for way longer than that.

While thoroughly enjoying the conversation and laughter I was also aware that we’ll once again be a continent away from them in less than a week.

Then there’s Ramesha’s family, who are equally friends.

I look forward to being back in California and seeing my father and siblings, but can’t help feeling sad that we’ll once again be apart from Silvio, Graziella, Fulvio, Manu, John-beni, Nicole, and Antonio.

Such precious friendships wherever we go, but — no — we don’t get to have them all in one place at one time.

Gratitude for a beautiful birthday celebration

This evening we watched the video of Friday’s very beautiful Ananda Village event celebrating Swami Kriyananda’s birthday.

Of course, it would have been lovely to have participated ourselves (if only we could have been at the Village and in Lugano at the same time!), but it was deeply satisfying to see how wonderfully the music is going in our absence.

Kudos and heartfelt appreciation to the entire music team!

Progress is being made

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It took some doing, but I finally located the stash of photos that will accompany my Swami stories. YAY!

I’m also making progress in terms of developing my voice: Ramesha and I have found a mutually agreeable time for him to work with me on a regular basis. Double YAY!!

And…our music team is getting back in the flow of meeting and planning. Triple YAY!!!

Our music team

Left to right: Jeannie ~ Ramesha ~ yours truly ~ Pavani

This is a selfie taken during our music meeting last week, when we celebrated Ramesha’s birthday (a week late).

I love being part of this team!