Reflecting on friendship

We spent time with wonderful friends from both sides of the world today.

In the early evening we met with members of our Ananda Village music team. We’ve been in touch by text and email, but — with less than a week to go before we return home — it felt like time to begin the process of fully reengaging with our ministry there.

But more than that, it was an opportunity to hang out with dear friends that we haven’t seen now for almost two months.

Later in the evening we went to the home of our friends, Dudo and Karin, for tea. They’ve been my dear friends ever since Ramesha and I got together in 2003, though he’s known them for way longer than that.

While thoroughly enjoying the conversation and laughter I was also aware that we’ll once again be a continent away from them in less than a week.

Then there’s Ramesha’s family, who are equally friends.

I look forward to being back in California and seeing my father and siblings, but can’t help feeling sad that we’ll once again be apart from Silvio, Graziella, Fulvio, Manu, John-beni, Nicole, and Antonio.

Such precious friendships wherever we go, but — no — we don’t get to have them all in one place at one time.