Santa Barbara Day 4: Pics and more pics

Coffee on the patio of our Airbnb (our studio is the door on the right)

After morning coffee on the patio and a delicious Mexican lunch, we headed downtown and I indulged my tourist tendencies!

I was a little surprised at how much there was to see and how intriguing I found it all.

I particularly loved the City Hall. In fact, I think the dramatic setting would make handling bureaucracy that much easier.

What we see when we exit our Airbnb
Santa Barbara City Hall
A face at the bottom of a City Hall turret
Entrance to the Hall of Records
The chapel at the Presidio of Santa Barbara
A fountain full of (live) turtles in La Arcada Plaza
Ramesha with Ben Franklin in La Arcada Plaza
Another whimsical sculpture in La Arcada Plaza
Elaborate wood carving on a side entrance of the Santa Barbara Public Library
Beautiful tiled stairway
AMAZING gelato!

Kind of like (really) old times

Because I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately, I struggled more than usual to prepare for our department’s annual presentation. It got so bad that I actually reverted to behavior from my college days of several decades ago.

In other words, I waited until the very last minute, then — once the pressure had built to unbearable levels — I frantically pulled out all the stops, accomplishing in about 24 hours that which would have been better (and certainly more calmly) done in three to five days.

The only element lacking was a trip to the university library to check out a huge stack of books!

For book lovers only

I’ve got one to add to the list!

“Remember a favorite book from elementary school and fantasize about being able to go back to the (now demolished) library where you can still remember the approximate area where it was shelved, in order to check it out yet again.”

True story! I must have been in sixth grade when I read that book and I still remember how much I loved it and how much I laughed while reading it. If I could remember the title (or the author) I would search for it on Google so I could read it again!