For book lovers only

I’ve got one to add to the list!

“Remember a favorite book from elementary school and fantasize about being able to go back to the (now demolished) library where you can still remember the approximate area where it was shelved, in order to check it out yet again.”

True story! I must have been in sixth grade when I read that book and I still remember how much I loved it and how much I laughed while reading it. If I could remember the title (or the author) I would search for it on Google so I could read it again!

2 Replies to “For book lovers only”

  1. I so relate to this post! I always feel like when someone gives me a book, it’s a gift that gives me a glimpse into their soul. It tells me something special about them like a treasured secret.
    Just yesterday when I was dusting I came across one of the favorite books of my childhood, an old “Scholastic Reader”called “Yellow Eyes”- over 50 years ago! I was always big on novels and particularly nature books as a child.
    One of my favorite novels of adulthood (if not my favorite) is “Death Comes for the Archbishop” by Willa Cather. If you haven’t read it, bless yourself this holiday season with this beautiful written and inspiring book.

  2. I don’t know why I am suddenly getting emails that you have new blog posts, because I recall signing up quite a while ago. It must be a special gift from my Divine Mother. My birthday falls in this holiday season and She likes to leave golden droplets of grace-packages for me to find, like this sweet surprise of your blog.
    The one for book lovers sent thrills of recognition up my spine. Each panel described me! There are few scents more heady and evocative than that of an old, often-read book. I find myself satisfyingly centered when carrying a favorite old book or two in the crook of my arm, reminiscent of school days long ago. To hold a good book in my hands is to possess a treasure. The sense pleasures of book reading might be some of the most difficult to renounce.
    I am enjoying your blog, dear Bhagavati.

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