My once-a-year opportunity

As a former professional musician/freelancer, I’m continuously struggling to overcome a lifetime of erratic hours and late night habits in order to establish more of an early-to-bed, early-to-rise routine.

So, when the time comes to fall back and regain the hour we lost in the spring, my latest strategy is to pretend nothing changed. But in the back of my mind I’m counting on the fact that I can set my alarm a little earlier without it feeling so early.

By the same token, when the clock says 10:30 p.m., my body feels like it’s 11:30, which –hopefully — makes it easier for me to get to bed on time.

Increasing health and wellness

It suddenly hit me today that — In the midst of all that’s been going on over the past few months — some subtle but definite changes have been taking place in terms of my physical wellbeing.

  • I successfully released an old (as in pretty much my entire adult life) unhealthy habit.
  • I’m well on my way to establishing a healthy new veggies and fruit smoothie habit for breakfast.
  • I moved past my stubborn resistance and accepted the wisdom of taking medication to get a handle on certain health issues.
  • I scheduled recommended bodywork and massage appointments.

There’s still plenty to do, but “progress not perfection” is the mantra to remember. That, and “it’s all directional”.

I’m liking the direction in which I’m headed.

At break of day

View to the east of my apartment
Dawn view from my kitchen window


Despite a lifetime of being a night owl, I dearly love seeing the pre-dawn horizon as it just barely starts to glow.

I’m doing my best to tune into that — as well as any and all other early morning perks and benefits — as a way to keep my motivation strong while I negotiate the phase of getting more and more tired (maybe even cranky, at times!) because the staying-up-late habit is still so strong.

I have faith that — if I can just stick with it long enough! — I’ll be able to establish a firm habit of early-to-bed to complement my new routine of early-to-rise.