Beauty all around us

I’m not a good enough photographer (especially on a cell phone) to do this justice, but I had to at least try to capture the colors of this oleander plant.

I especially loved how the petals on the ground seemed to reflect back the vibrant color of the plant.

I’m feeling very grateful that there’s so much beauty all around us, all the time.

Working up a tree

Yep, way up a tree!

We gazed at this in amazement while stopped on Tyler Foote Road for road/tree work on our way into town.

Ramesha and I were united in our reaction of “No way!” Followed closely by “Can you imagine?!?”

I’m very grateful for people who do work which I’m even more grateful to not have to do!

Grateful for increased protection

Today I received an injection of Evusheld, a preventative medication for those who have significant immune disorders or, like me, are undergoing chemotherapy or other treatments that suppress the immune system.

The medication keeps the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 from entering the cells of the body, preventing illness.

I feel a lot more comfortable about interacting in the world having taken this step.

Also feeling very grateful.

Grateful for Ramesha

A friend captured this moment at the beginning of Tuesday’s Inner Renewal Week class and I absolutely love it.

I’m so grateful for Ramesha, and for the blessing of sharing my spiritual path and music dharma with him.

A glorious end

Sunset view from my front door

Tonight’s sunset was a suitably glorious end to a rather long and taxing day.

A day for which — despite its challenges — I am extremely grateful.

Feeling grateful for Kriya

Today started out pretty challenging. Both Ramesha and I got to move through “stuff” — oh, joy!

We worked through it — both individually and together — but there was some lingering residual energy.

So, I’m really grateful for the Kriya initiation tonight, to put things in perspective and remind us what we’re really here for. 📿

Counting my blessings

I truly am grateful, thankful, and blessed!

Here’s something that Swamiji said in 2012:

“Happy Thanksgiving Day. Today is a big day in America, but what it stands for would be good for everyone on earth to celebrate: a day of thanks to God for His many gifts.”

How wonderful it would be to focus on giving thanks for God’s gifts every day of the year, and to go to sleep each night…counting my blessings!

When I’m worried and I can’t sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And I fall asleep counting my blessings

When my bankroll is getting small
I think of when I had none at all
And I fall asleep counting my blessings

I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads
And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds

If you’re worried and you can’t sleep
Just count your blessings instead of sheep
And you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings

Living the dream

As I was walking through the meadow above Rajarsi Park this morning, looking at the buildings where I get to work every day, I was struck yet again by the incredible beauty of where I live.

I breathed in the perfectly clear and crisp October day with the sun shining, the autumn foliage standing out in the distance, and the palpable sense of peace and serenity permeating the scene.

Then I stopped and took a quick photo to try and capture the moment.

Two thoughts alternated in my mind as I walked on. First I found myself thinking about how fortunate I am to live in such a unique place. Beautiful, peaceful, knowing everyone, surrounded by spirituality.

But then I remembered that — even though it’s something to be constantly grateful for — living in the “perfect place” is not really the point.

Self-realization is the point. Knowing my oneness with God and all that is, that’s the point. In the meantime, I try to remember that this life which seems so real to me is God’s dream.

Yes, I’m living a beautiful manifestation of God’s dream compared to many other people on the planet, but still…the ultimate goal is to awaken from the dream into the pure light and love of God.

Good advice

The excellent thought I’m reflecting on as Saturday comes to an end.

Grateful I have so much to appreciate!