Eager for dinner

I’m meeting’d and computered out.

Yes, I know that’s not correct English, but it perfectly describes how I’m feeling.

In fact, I worked through lunch, snacking later on rice cakes and a little peanut butter. So, I’m also really hungry for dinner.

Bottom line? I don’t have the bandwidth or the brain power to write anything creative.

Friends since 1968

Had dinner tonight with my friend, Eileen, who I’ve known since junior high school.

I believe we first met in Miss Jewett’s music appreciation class (where I learned that “Mozart” is spelled with only one “t”). We were in many other classes together as well, particularly band (she played French horn).

As I started to write this I realized that we met in 1968. Amazing!

It was a crazy time but we were too young to really comprehend all the big changes that were going on around us. Riots in Berkeley and SF State University were something one saw on the news. The Summer of Love meant T-shirts with hearts and stylized daisies. Oh, and incense purchased on a field trip to San Francisco!

We were young and innocent in a way that really wouldn’t be possible today. We went to school; worried about whether boys would ever like us; and got good grades.

The only way to see a movie was in the theater. Phones stayed at home, connected to the wall by cords. We used encyclopedias for research; checked out books from the library; and wrote everything longhand.

We also thought the whole “drug” thing was greatly exaggerated. After all, we never saw any drugs.

And now — all of a sudden, it seems — we’re discussing whether to go to our 50th high school reunion. How is that even possible? 🤷‍♀️

Grateful for 20 years of marriage

Today Ramesha and I celebrated twenty years of marriage by going out for dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant in Grass Valley.

In looking through wedding photos, this one really jumped out at me. I mean really! Doesn’t Ramesha’s smile just say it all?!?

What a fortunate woman I am, indeed!

First we hurry, then we wait

It was a rush moving out of the apartment this morning, but now we’ve been enjoying our final hours in Canobbio.

A delicious lunch with the whole family, a nice walk in the neighborhood, lots of time to chat, and now it’s almost time for dinner.

I can’t help but wonder what kind of shape we’ll be in by the time we get to the airport!

Time to eat

Lunch today. Pizza tonight. Brunch tomorrow. Most likely lunch on Monday, followed by another lunch on Tuesday.

This is some serious eating! Which takes time, because we’re in Europe and meals are more or less three hours long.

The important thing is to pace oneself. And focus on enjoying quality time with people we love.

Dinner time

I’ve been craving spaghetti lately. Who knows why?

All I know is it’s time to pack up, shut down the computer, and start boiling water.

A night out on the town

Yes, it’s an honest-to-goodness night out with friends. We’re driving to Chico for dinner and then a show. I’ll share all about it tomorrow. Gotta run!

A perfect evening

Good friends. Beautiful home. Delicious dinner. And an anniversary to celebrate.

It was all completely delightful. Who could ask for more?

One last beautiful event

The Christmas play was a tremendous success on every level: inspiring, uplifted, sweet, well-attended, well spoken, well sung, beautiful costumes and scenery, and an amazingly smooth flow from start to finish.

Christmas Eve dinner with friends followed and now I’m falling asleep at the computer.

Happy Christmas, everyone!

An evening with friends

Tonight we made time for dinner with some dear friends.

We were three couples, who ate, shared, told stories, and ate some more.

But most of all, we laughed. There was so much joy in simply being together.

I feel extremely fortunate in my friends.