One last beautiful event

The Christmas play was a tremendous success on every level: inspiring, uplifted, sweet, well-attended, well spoken, well sung, beautiful costumes and scenery, and an amazingly smooth flow from start to finish.

Christmas Eve dinner with friends followed and now I’m falling asleep at the computer.

Happy Christmas, everyone!

2 Replies to “One last beautiful event”

  1. Happy Christmas Bhagavati❣️ Thank you for doing these daily blogs. They make me smile, be conscious and open my ❤️. 🙏🎄🙏😘

  2. Bhagavati, I also thank you for all your inspiring and heart warming words! They are like precious gems to nourish my heart. It makes me feel like I have a place in your heart and home where you share your innermost thoughts! Like having a warm cup of tea with you by the fire in your living room… Many blessings to you, great soul!

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