Concert plans

The 50th anniversary concert–the first full concert in the new Temple of Light, happening the evening of Thursday, July 4–is shaping up to be a doozy!

There will be a small but highly accomplished orchestra, accompanying a 120-voice choir! We’ve got sixteen choir members coming from Ananda Assisi; thirteen singers are joining us from various Ananda centers in India; and one singer is coming from Isreal. This is in addition to the singers and musicians from every Ananda community and a number of meditation groups throughout the USA.

The program will consist of some of Swamiji’s most beloved songs and instrumental pieces–including a portion of Life Is a Quest for Joy; a selection from the Secrets of Love CD, and a beautifully choreographed dance to Invocation to the Woodland Devas.

It promises to be an unforgettable experience; if you can’t be with us in person, be sure and check out the live broadcast (click here for more info).

Choir without borders

As of tomorrow it will be exactly ONE MONTH to the start of the week-long event celebrating both Ananda’s 50th anniversary and the dedication of the new Temple of Light at Ananda Village.

Yep, it’s BIG.

Members of our Ananda spiritual family will be pouring in from all corners of the world, including North, South, and Central America; Europe; New Zealand; India; Russia; and Asia.

Of course there’s going to be lots of music, much of it sung by a global choir, filled with devotees from many of the places listed above. From an organizational perspective it’s a little overwhelming–who’s coming? will we have balanced voice parts? what will it feel like in the new temple? can we really manage with only one rehearsal for the concert?!?

There are also many places in the Ananda world with new or barely established choirs, whose singers might feel a little out of their depth singing for such a big event. But that’s why, right from the start, we decided to emphasize inclusiveness. We want as many people as possible to have the experience of being part of a big Ananda choir. We want them to feel the magic that happens when you’re singing high consciousness, uplifting music with fellow devotees!

It’s going to be awesome.

Recently I found this phrase scribbled on a slip of paper: Ananda Music Worldwide: a global choir, united in inspiration. I don’t recall whether I heard someone else say it or made it up myself, but I think it perfectly describes our vision and goal for music during the 50th anniversary…and beyond!

The way of Ananda Music

I’ve been thinking about how Ananda is not just a physical location–the place I live. It’s also the way I live.

Similarly, Ananda Music is not just the physical sounds–the sheet music, recordings, and performances in which I participate. It’s also the way I participate–as a disciple and devotee first and foremost…seeking to get my little “self” out of the way, so that my higher “Self” can express through the music.

This is what makes Ananda choirs and singing ensembles powerful far beyond our actual musical skills. Every singer is doing their best to be ever more open and receptive to the divine flow. And, sure enough, grace shows up!

Which brings to mind one of my favorite quotes by my guru, Paramhansa Yogananda*: The instrument is blessed by that which flows through it.

So true.

* Yesterday I incorrectly attributed this quote to Swami Kriyananda. Sorry!