Concert plans

The 50th anniversary concert–the first full concert in the new Temple of Light, happening the evening of Thursday, July 4–is shaping up to be a doozy!

There will be a small but highly accomplished orchestra, accompanying a 120-voice choir! We’ve got sixteen choir members coming from Ananda Assisi; thirteen singers are joining us from various Ananda centers in India; and one singer is coming from Isreal. This is in addition to the singers and musicians from every Ananda community and a number of meditation groups throughout the USA.

The program will consist of some of Swamiji’s most beloved songs and instrumental pieces–including a portion of Life Is a Quest for Joy; a selection from the Secrets of Love CD, and a beautifully choreographed dance to Invocation to the Woodland Devas.

It promises to be an unforgettable experience; if you can’t be with us in person, be sure and check out the live broadcast (click here for more info).