Outer order = inner calm

Outer order contributes to inner calm.” –Gretchen Rubin

This is the quote I saw on my Momentum Dash screen this morning while searching my office files for some sheet music we need for the upcoming Spiritual Renewal Week concert.

I resonated deeply with this statement, especially since I could feel my inner calm fraying around the edges as I considered having to change the program because I couldn’t locate the parts. Not a good feeling. 🤦‍♀️

But I had also experienced this in the first week after returning home from our trip.

I was dealing with jet lag; a bad cough; unpacked luggage; leftover travel gear; dirty laundry; and the naturally occurring “out-of-orderliness” of having had a houseguest in the apartment for almost two months.

It all felt like chaos.

The end result was that I felt virtually paralyzed for the first four or five days, and not just in practical terms. I also felt like I couldn’t think or plan or settle.

I believe the breakthrough came when I simply had to do pressing tasks like laundry (or not have clothes to wear!). As I — bit-by-bit — established some order, I was able to — bit-by-bit — access my inner calm.

P.S. Not to worry, by the way! We did locate the sheet music. 😅

Breakthroughs and roses

It seems like the big block I’ve been experiencing had to do with some deep but subtle inner processing. Which — thankfully — has now resolved itself into clarity around a big decision.

(I’m pretty sure it’s no coincidence that Mercury is going direct in another day or two.)

I’ll share more about all that soon.

In the meantime, much of my afternoon and evening was spent in the garden.

Hence the roses.

The NOW moment finally arrives

You know how it is when you procrastinate about something just a little too long and it starts to feel absolutely insurmountable…???

[Or am I the only one?!? 😂]

Well, I had one of those going and it was starting to really be an issue, because if I didn’t do what I needed to do, an entire event was going to fall through the cracks.

But this evening I finally broke through and got it done. Whew!

And now I’m done for the night.

Feeling grateful

Something shifted in a major way for me this past Sunday.

I came onto to the path later in life than many of my friends and gurubais, plus my decades of experience as a freelance musician — with a lifestyle to match — wasn’t a big help when it came to early rising and consistent routines.

Moving to Europe and back, then a few years later to Los Angeles and back, further disrupted my routines and I’ve been struggling — literally for years — to reestablish a strong, regular practice. Very frustrating.

But last Sunday I experienced a breakthrough! Afterwards, for three mornings in a row I spontaneously woke up earlier than usual, before the alarm, with a strong desire to meditate in the Temple of Light. I didn’t say anything (even to Ramesha) cause I didn’t want to jinx it, but I can now report that my “streak” lasted the entire week and I’m eager to extend it further. 😊

I’m so very, very grateful!