Feeling grateful

Something shifted in a major way for me this past Sunday.

I came onto to the path later in life than many of my friends and gurubais, plus my decades of experience as a freelance musician — with a lifestyle to match — wasn’t a big help when it came to early rising and consistent routines.

Moving to Europe and back, then a few years later to Los Angeles and back, further disrupted my routines and I’ve been struggling — literally for years — to reestablish a strong, regular practice. Very frustrating.

But last Sunday I experienced a breakthrough! Afterwards, for three mornings in a row I spontaneously woke up earlier than usual, before the alarm, with a strong desire to meditate in the Temple of Light. I didn’t say anything (even to Ramesha) cause I didn’t want to jinx it, but I can now report that my “streak” lasted the entire week and I’m eager to extend it further. 😊

I’m so very, very grateful!