Feeling foggy

Today was Ananda Village’s belated Rajarsi Day, one of the high points in our community year.

I actually managed to participate a little, despite still feeling rather tired and spacey. And it was lovely seeing so many of my fellow residents.

Later I had to sort of force myself to write some time sensitive emails. Plenty of resistance.

But the consistent thread through it all — for the entire day and into the night — was feeling foggy.

Reflecting on friendship

We spent time with wonderful friends from both sides of the world today.

In the early evening we met with members of our Ananda Village music team. We’ve been in touch by text and email, but — with less than a week to go before we return home — it felt like time to begin the process of fully reengaging with our ministry there.

But more than that, it was an opportunity to hang out with dear friends that we haven’t seen now for almost two months.

Later in the evening we went to the home of our friends, Dudo and Karin, for tea. They’ve been my dear friends ever since Ramesha and I got together in 2003, though he’s known them for way longer than that.

While thoroughly enjoying the conversation and laughter I was also aware that we’ll once again be a continent away from them in less than a week.

Then there’s Ramesha’s family, who are equally friends.

I look forward to being back in California and seeing my father and siblings, but can’t help feeling sad that we’ll once again be apart from Silvio, Graziella, Fulvio, Manu, John-beni, Nicole, and Antonio.

Such precious friendships wherever we go, but — no — we don’t get to have them all in one place at one time.

Gratitude for a beautiful birthday celebration

This evening we watched the video of Friday’s very beautiful Ananda Village event celebrating Swami Kriyananda’s birthday.

Of course, it would have been lovely to have participated ourselves (if only we could have been at the Village and in Lugano at the same time!), but it was deeply satisfying to see how wonderfully the music is going in our absence.

Kudos and heartfelt appreciation to the entire music team!

Meanwhile at Ananda Village…

Photo by my friend, Sanjan

I know there are parts of California with way more snow than this; nevertheless, it’s a ton of snow for Ananda Village. I’m finding it somewhat disorienting to be away from home during such a major weather event.

With still more snow in the forecast, it’s also a bit of a challenge to stay focused in the present and enjoy my retreat without worrying about whether I’ll be able to get home when the time comes.

Relieved and happy

Free Thumbs Up Positive photo and picture

I’m very happy to report that our big meeting about new directions for the music at Ananda Village went really well.

But what a week it’s been! I’m totally ready to crash for the night.

Choir is back!

After almost three years of pandemic-related obstacles, our Ananda Village choir came roaring back on Christmas Day. It felt so wonderful as to be almost miraculous!

Lord knows, it’s been a long and rocky road, starting back in 2020 with a period of complete lockdown. Then following years were filled with repeated attempts to bring choir back only to be thwarted by repeated surges.

Recently we made the difficult decision to nix the choir’s participation in the Christmas concert, but — as infections decreased around the Village — we felt strongly that now was the time to give it another try. And what a glorious experience we had as a result!

Considering that choir hadn’t performed since before the pandemic and hadn’t had a rehearsal since December 1st, it was hard to believe how wonderfully both songs sounded.

I was reminded of my experience many years ago when severe tendinitis forced me to stop playing flute altogether for five months. I was getting my Masters degree at the San Franciscio Conservatory of Music at the time, and worried that my career as a professional musician was at an end before could really get started!

But the amazing thing was that, in a number of ways, there were things about my playing that were better than ever after that long break.

It’s almost as though, despite being deprived of our usual outlet of expression, there’s an inner growth and expansion that keeps happening on subtle levels. And of course, there’s also grace.

Regardless how you try to explain it, something marvelous took place. The video below is of the entire service (which is all well worth watching), but it starts right off with the first choir song: Christ Has Come (the second song starts HERE).


A great tide of loving, joyful energy

Ananda volunteers at the book table during an event in Los Angeles

This afternoon we celebrated World Brotherhood Day here at Ananda Village.

Unfortunately, it had to be switched to online only (due to a surge of COVID and other illnesses), with only the speakers, a small singing group, and three or four other guests in attendance.

But I found it as inspiring as ever to hear about Ananda’s outreach ministries and all the wonderful work they’re doing around the world.

In fact, I’m reminded of when I lived in Switzerland (from 2004-2006) and would receive Ananda’s annual appeal in the mail. I was still relatively new, and I remember being absolutely thrilled to know I was — in my own small way — a part of such an expansive work. I even sent a donation (though I’m not sure how I managed to afford it at the time!).

Of course, Ananda’s work has exploded in so many directions since then, and Ramesha and I play a much larger role in the worldwide music outreach nowadays. But the basic feeling is exactly the same as it ever was.

This quote from Swami Kriyananda describes it perfectly: “We are part of a great tide of loving, joyful energy that wants to give and give as long as people are happy to receive it.” 

What a blessing it is to be part of that great tide of loving, joyful energy!

Home again

It’s been a long day — packing up in Pacific Grove, driving to Sacramento to pick up the rest of our stuff, then finally back to Ananda Village.

Overjoyed to be home, but pretty tired when all is said and done.

Beautiful “welcome home” flowers and card
More beautiful flowers

The love choir

Our Ananda Village choir resumed rehearsals this week after an extended pandemic hiatus and several failed comeback attempts. We’re hoping and praying that this time choir is back for good!

Although Ramesha and I aren’t there to participate yet, we’re thrilled to know it’s happening. And even more thrilled to receive this photo of everyone sending us love.

How sweet is that?!?

We can’t wait to be singing with our beloved choir family once again.

Feels like forever

We’ve been in Sacramento since Wednesday — not quite three days — but it feels like forever.

One of our Village friends stopped by after a trip to the airport and I found myself wanting to ask him all the latest news. But how much news could there be in less than three days?!?

Pretty funny.