Sweet dreams

The main thing on my mind right now is sleep…and the fact that lately I haven’t been getting enough it (a side effect of writing daily blog posts, as I tend to write at night, then stay awake into the wee hours)!

So here’s a beautiful melody of Swami Kriyananda’s titled Temple of Sleep. It’s from his Egyptian song series, which was inspired by a pilgrimage to that country.

This song is a great example of Swamiji’s ability–his gift really–for infusing a song with consciousness. When we were recording this CD I had to concentrate really hard not to drift off into sleep consciousness!

More recently I’ve used this song when I was feeling anxious and having a hard time settling enough to go to sleep. It definitely worked.

Sweet dreams!

2 Replies to “Sweet dreams”

  1. I’m enjoying your post Bhagavati. I, too, am challenged at times with sleep issues. I started to listed to the music you posted this a.m. and thought better of it. Right away I could feel myself relax but I have to get ready to help a friend, so tonight I’ll be listening. Thanks for sharing the song. I always enjoy your flute music!

    Sleep well, my friend. 🙂

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