Sweeping the patio

Late afternoon glow in our front yard today.

At yesterday’s Sevaka retreat, Jyotish spoke about how after Yogananda’s experience of going into samadhi (divine ecstasy or bliss) his guru, Sri Yukteswar, gave him a broom to sweep the porch.

Well, we’ve had a jam-packed weekend, full of satsangs, meetings, and rehearsals, and with lots of performing and recording. And while we didn’t reach the heights of samadhi, there was a whole lot of joy and really high energy.

Not surprisingly, by this afternoon I was pooped and not entirely sure what to do with myself.

But then I was inspired to take my broom and sweep the patio. Which was followed by finally potting (or re-potting) a number of plants that had been patiently waiting to receive some attention.

And it was the perfect balance to all the energy and intensity. Just me, my broom, flowering plants, sunshine, sky, birdsong, and peace.

Our little patio garden is growing.
I forget what this plant is called, but I’ve been admiring it for years in various cities around the world. I was so excited to finally find it at Weiss Brothers nursery in Grass Valley.
The one olive on our olive tree is ripening quite nicely. No idea how we’ll know when it’s fully ripe (or what to do with it then)!