Still plugging away

I just made an interesting discovery, which has left me uncertain whether I should feel really bad (because I’m not doing any better than last year) or kind of relieved (because — hey! I’m not doing any worse than last year!).

Basically, I was doing a quick review of blog posts from last December to see if I had already written about a particular topic. And this is what I found for December 27, 2019, exactly one year ago today:

Well, it’s turning out to be “one-of-those-years”…when the Christmas to-do list is still incomplete three full days after Christmas. And when you realize you still haven’t sent any sort of card or greeting to some of your nearest and dearest friends.


You know they’ll understand, but still

I’m definitely having a “the more things change, the more they remain the same” kind of moment. Or as somebody once said: “Déjà vu all over again!”

However…! Tonight Ramesha and I finished viewing/reading all twelve of our beautiful Jacquie Lawson e-card greetings, so we really are making some progress!