Service is joy

Today was Rajarsi Day at Ananda Village…and what a day it was! (Thanks for the wonderful photo, Barbara Bingham!)

Every year we honor Rajarsi Janakananda (aka James Lynn)–self-made millionaire and foremost disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda–with a community-wide workday. This year was extra special because devotees from all over the Ananda world joined in helping to finish the new Temple of Light.

I served in the kitchen and was struck anew by how much joy is generated when we consciously dedicate everything we do to God! Plus soooo much gets accomplished when there’s lots of joy and energy levels are high.

In fact, all those willing hands make miracles happen, just like Swamiji’s song says:

Many hands make a miracle:
Let’s all join hands together!
Life on earth is so wonderful
When people laugh and dance and struggle as friends:
Then all their dreams achieve their ends.

Many hands make a miracle:
People climbing together!
Soon we reach to the pinnacle
Of every mountain peak we hazard as one.
We’ll lift our hands to welcome the sun!
We lift our hands to welcome the sun!

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