Racial healing (part 1)

So, here’s the subject heading that caught my eye when I checked email Saturday morning:

“It’s Time for Us White Gals to Talk About Racism”

WHOA! Say what?!?

The email was from Marcella Friel, mindful eating mentor and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner. Somewhere along the way I checked out her stuff and got on her mailing list, but this did not strike me as her usual style.

I can’t include the whole email, but I will share the entire first section below, because it is just SO INCREDIBLE!

Here’s what Marcella wrote…

“We interrupt our usual programming …”
Hi Love,
It’s Marcella here. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t stopped crying since the news of the most recent racially motivated atrocity in the U.S. on Wednesday. 
You probably know the one I’m talking about.
When I saw the image of George Floyd lying on the ground, in a pool of his own blood, with a police officer’s knee on his neck, I felt like I had been hit in the chest with a cannonball.
I spent the day in bed. I couldn’t work. 
I kept thinking: Something. Must. Be. Done.
And then I heard a voice say, “Ok then! Why don’t you do it?”
So instead of offering the virtual retreat on self-care that I had planned for June 13, I’m taking a radical turn and convening a gathering space where we who identify as Caucasian women can begin healing the ugly plague of racial injustice in our society. 
I feel like I’m jumping off a cliff. I have no idea (yet) what this has to do with binge eating and yo-yo dieting and chronic body shaming. (If you do, I’d love to hear). 
But I’m choosing to trust my guidance and move forward. 
I hope you’ll jump into this conversation with me. Let’s help each other heal this deep and devastating collective wound. 

Saying I was deeply moved by this doesn’t begin to convey my response. I could hardly breathe. By the third paragraph I was in tears.

As Swami’s song says, “What we need is light!” and this is an example of that light starting to shine brighter and brighter in our world, regardless of the seeming darkness all around us. This is an example of an empowered individual stepping forward and making a difference. This gives me hope.

A Gathering for White Women to
Compassionately Explore Racial Injustice

4 Replies to “Racial healing (part 1)”

  1. I would love to think that I could be a part of the healing. I have always felt so unempowered (if that’s a word) around this issue. Thank you.

    1. I have felt the same, Hanna. But it feels like something really is shifting so let’s just keep sending as much love and light as we can to help it along! Hugs to you, dear friend. 💓

  2. Thanks for sharing this, dear Bhagavati! I’m so very grateful that our teachings give us Something to do besides cry in pain as we see all the injustices happening in our world right now. I’m committed to sending Lots of Love and Light into the world right now, praying that this will help bring the needed changes. Aum, Aum, Aum…

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