One of Ramesha’s best

Ramesha recently shared this video from a few years ago. It’s so beautifully moving that I want to share it here as well.

This is what he writes about it in the video description:

This is a rather particular chant titled “They Have Heard Thy Name.” It was written by Yogananda. It’s a heartfelt prayer asking God to give comfort to those who are suffering.

They have heard Thy name, the blind halt and lame. (2)
They have come to Thy door, Lord, they have come to Thy door;
Give them an audience, Lord.

They have heard Thy name, the blind halt and lame. (2)
Those who are in despair, wipe Thou their tears! (2)
They have come to Thy door, Lord, they have come to Thy door;
Give them an audience, Lord.

They have heard Thy name, the blind halt and lame. (2)
Those who are drowned in sin, to whom will they go? (2)
They have no one, Lord, they have no one;
Do not turn them away.
