On the other hand…

Today I found myself remembering a period in my life when rather than being forced, I was motivated to get to bed early (as in midnight).

It was like this…

While I was finishing up my degree in flute performance at SF State, an acquaintance from the Quaker (Friends) meeting I attended recommended me for a rather particular job: the offices of the San Francisco branch of the American Friends Service Committee were located in a big beautiful mansion in the Inner Sunset, and they needed someone to do light housework and maintenance in exchange for a room and kitchen privileges at only $50 a month rent. Well, even in early-1980’s San Francisco that was like a miracle, so I jumped on it!

I had a sort of attic room on the third floor of the mansion, with a sweet little dormer window. I fixed it up and painted both the room and my bathroom. It was really like a haven to me.

Now, some of you will have never experienced what I’m about to describe — and others will have to think real hard to remember it — but at this time the only options for listening to music were record players, cassette tapes, and radio. And the way radio worked was you listened to what they played, when they played it. Period. No control or interaction whatsoever. Oh, and some stations, at least, weren’t on the air 24/7; they “signed off” at midnight.

That, in fact, was the case with KDFC, the classical radio station that I listened to. But their sign-off music was this wonderful, magical, exquisite piece of music that I loved soooo much that pretty soon I was hurrying to get ready for bed so that it would be the last thing I heard before I went to sleep.

Now I look back on that period of my life and oh! how I wish I could recreate a similar set of circumstances in present time. But it was such a unique and delicate balance…
….of something completely outside of my control, that…
…made me feel so very good and uplifted, that…
…I found it to be so compelling and desirable, that…
…I willingly, and consistently, altered my behavior!

Not only is it impossible to replicate those magical circumstances, I can’t even identify the piece of music that had such an effect on me. Because it was the radio station’s sign-off music, they didn’t actually announce the title or composer. I think it might have been by Stravinsky, and I think it might have had something to do with a fairy or a princess or a kiss (!), but I don’t even know what gave me those ideas.

I’ve tried to research it, but you don’t find that sort of minutiae from that many decades ago any place online. After all, it was probably just handwritten on index cards or typed up on a monthly schedule. But I feel sort of wistful and melancholy when I think of it.

2 Replies to “On the other hand…”

  1. Well, similar—fond memories of my dad and I often watching the KRON-TV signoff before it turned into a test signal. We called it the “duckies” signoff, ’cause it had peaceful scenes from around San Francisco, including ducks in a pond (Stow Lake?). But a big part of the magic for me was the beautiful background music. I remembered it for years, before I learned it was Pavane by Fauré. Here’s that signoff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iPtDedVZT4

    1. Ah, that was lovely, Dambara! Talk about a throwback to a simpler, more relaxed time…! I have always loved Fauré’s “Pavane”. performing it many times myself, as well as teaching it to any number of students. Thanks for bringing back that memory! 🙂

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