Off to a great start

I just had to share this because it describes how I’m feeling…😊

I’m so glad I did not wait until January 1 to begin the practices that tell me — through concrete action, not empty words or intellectual theories — that I am worthy of self-love and self-nurturing and self-compassion and kindness.

The rebounder (mini-trampoline) that I’ve been absolutely craving since last summer arrived last Friday. So I’ve been “bouncing” for four days now.

On Monday, I commenced my “early rising” practice; it’s only been two mornings so far, but I can feel the difference. And, yes, I’m tired because I’m not yet going to bed any earlier, but I have faith that will come. And in the meantime I’m enjoying seeing the sun rise and having time to practice self-care (meditation, yoga postures, walking, etc) before the day gets away from me.

So tomorrow morning I start the new year off on the right foot, while already gaining momentum.

Happy New Year blessings to you as well! 💕🙏✨