Long time, no see!

At approximately 900 acres, Ananda Village is big and spread out enough that those of us who are self-isolating (because we’re in a high risk category due to age or health issues) can easily go days seeing only a bare handful of fellow residents. One definitely starts to miss running into friends at work or the market…or at choir rehearsal!

Which is why it was so incredibly sweet when ten choir members got together for our first ever Village Choir Zoom Chat this evening! We chatted and checked in and laughed (a lot) and shared ideas….and it was wonderful just to see all the smiles! Here are some pics to give you the idea…

Jeannie, our fearless leader.

Koral kept us particularly well entertained by “traveling” the world throughout the course of the meeting!

Koral at a castle in Europe
Koral in Italy
Koral at the Matterhorn

Somehow I missed getting photos of Bandhu and Ramu (oops!), but it sure was great to see you all! Hopefully more choir members can make it when we meet again next week. 💗

6 Replies to “Long time, no see!”

  1. It looks like great fun. We’re sorry we missed it. Next time for sure. Thank you dear for your uplifted spirit of joy and love. Namaste

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