It’s all directional

Update time…

  • I’ve managed two nights in a row of getting to bed earlier (not “early” yet, but making progress).
  • Seeing a definite increase in length and depth of meditations. Yay!
  • My walks are getting longer (not “long” yet, but — again — making progress).
  • Have cut back on some less-than-healthy treats.

Nothing dramatic, but substantial enough to make a difference in my overall energy, which helps with keeping it going.

2 Replies to “It’s all directional”

  1. I love this! I’ve discovered exactly the same thing. We took up pickleball this year – really fun, I highly recommend it. But in the summer you have to get out early. before it gets too hot – not my favorite time of day, but I really like to play pickleball so I’m getting up early, which makes me go to bed earlier, which makes it easier to get up early. Now I’m up early even on days I’m not playing pickleball! Who knew!?!?!?

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