God is the Doer

I accomplished a lot today, including sorting through a bunch of old papers and mementos. I used to have a major habit of clipping or copying interesting and/or inspiring quotes, so there’s a ton of stuff to go through.

This clipping from the early 1990’s caught my attention because I had pretty much forgotten just how earnest I was in my search for truth in those days. At the time I had no idea who Bunny Briggs was, but the way he gave God all the credit really spoke to me. Reading it all these years later, I’m struck by how perfectly it matches the spiritual teaching of always seeing God as the Doer…no matter what you’re “doing”!

Of course, it was great to be able to go online and learn exactly who Bunny Briggs was. One particularly interesting tidbit is that “at one point he thought about becoming a Catholic priest but his priest told Briggs that ‘God clearly wanted him to be a dancer.'”

“I couldn’t even pick up my leg if it weren’t for God.” What a great soul.