Giving thanks for the force of love

On my walk this morning I was thinking about how the answer to all my stresses and dilemmas and fears and worries is to be more in love. As the quote says, “Whatever the question, love is the answer.”

Not “in love” as in romantic love (although I’m still very much in love with my husband, thank you very much🥰), but in “LOVE” as in remembering to stay centered in God, all the love there is.

And I found myself remembering two of the little aphorisms I learned in my years with Church of Religious Science (now known as Center of Spiritual Living): “There is no spot where God is not.” And, “You can’t get outside of God.”

My current spiritual path teaches that God created the universe out of Him/Her/Itself. So, everything — literally every single thing — is made out of God. And (as I grew up saying at the end of grace before every meal), “God is Love.”

I also remembered an affirmation from my Unity days, which started out with: “I am a radiating center of God’s love.”

LOVE is what I want to radiate. Not fear, not anger, not frustration, not resentment. LOVE.

It’s all there is, was, or ever can be. If it seems to be lacking it’s only because humankind forgets and gets distracted and focused on all the wrong things.


“All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well…for there is a force of love moving through the universe that holds us fast and will never let us go.”

Thank God.

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