Feeling overwhelmed?

I admit that I certainly spend more time than I like feeling overwhelmed. It’s frustrating and, ultimately, non-productive in the extreme. So when I saw that yesterday’s post by Seth Godin (one of my favorite bloggers), was titled “Overwhelmed is a choice” it got my attention.

The entire blog post is powerful, not that long, and well worth reading. Following are the points that jumped out and grabbed me (italics emphasis is mine):

The internet is infinite. For humans, anyway.
In the time you’ve been reading this, more than an hour of video has been uploaded to YouTube. You will never catch up.
….it’s natural to feel overwhelmed. Too much to sort. We want a foundation to stand on, but firm footing eludes us for a while.
And then we find it again. Because we intentionally make ourselves unaware of the rest of it.
…And right now, someone who works for you has a question, ….or a co-worker is doing something without your oversight–and it’s all proceeding without you, because total information awareness is a fiction.
Find your footing and do your work. It’s a choice.

My new battle cry: “Find your footing and do your work!” (the antidote to overwhelm) 🙂