Yet more about San Francisco to love

Fog pouring over the coastal mountains on Hwy 280

San Francisco has been on my mind so much these days that I figured I might as well wrap up the week by reflecting on one more thing I loved about living there.


Yep. People complain and complain about the fog, but I loved it.

Well, I loved it 90% of the time. At least once every summer we would get a solid three weeks of fog and that really was a bit much.

But the rest of the time you simply never knew, from moment to moment, what you were going to get — you could look out the window at the most gorgeous day, decide to finish your half-hour project and then go enjoy the sunshine, only to look up after twenty minutes and it’s nothing but fog everywhere.

Of course the reverse was also true. You would bundle up and resign yourself to a chilly excursion in the park, only to find the sun burning through the fog twenty minutes later.

And the cool temperatures of foggy days were the best for long walks all over the City.

But some of my favorite fog experiences came when I would spend time in the hot summer temperatures of the South Bay (Milpitas, San Jose, Los Altos, etc.), then drive up Hwy 280 to return to the City.

At a certain point the air itself would dramatically change, getting cooler and smelling of moisture. Then you would look left (or west) and see the fog literally pouring over the coastal mountains. Absolute magic that I never tired of seeing.

And now, all this thinking about fog made me so homesick for the entire San Francisco experience that I had to go find a video of foghorns.
