Where did Yogananda’s ray first brighten YOUR light?

This month we’re celebrating the 100th anniversary of when Paramhansa Yogananda first came to America, arriving in Boston harbor on September 19, 1920 to begin his world mission.

Millions of people have been touched by the ray of the divine light which Master brought to the West. As part of the centennial celebrations, Ananda New York has created an interactive map where devotees can fill out a form in order to share when and where they were first touched by Yogananda’s ray.

The data will be used to populate the map, which will show how Master’s light has — and still is — reaching out to Truth-seeking souls around the globe. The image above is just to give you the idea; the full map will be shown during the Ananda Northeast Centennial event on September 19th, 2020.

Click on the link below to learn more; then — if you have, in fact, been touched by Yogananda — you can find the latitude and longitude of that time of your life and submit your info. Jai Guru!🌹

Yogananda’s Light Spreading Across the Globe: An Interactive Map for Devotees Everywhere

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