
When I first received my diagnosis I was relieved to learn that it was a “treatable” cancer.

In retrospect, I realize I had a somewhat fuzzy take on the word, “treatable.” It was associated in my mind with “treatment” in the sense of bodywork or other health and fitness practices.

Which is not surprising, considering I was rarely sick and never had a serious illness or broken bone or severe accident in my entire life!

Of course, my “treatment” horizons have greatly expanded in the past couple of months. I’ve been introduced to MRI’s, PET scans, biopsies, hematology, oncology, drug prescriptions, and chemo injections, with radiation and more still to come.

Quite a learning curve.

5 Replies to “Treatable”

  1. Dear Bhagavati, sounds like you & I have very similar situations: a life of disease-free, sickness-free, hospital-free existence. Then a cancer disgnosis. BAM!
    Just want you to know you’re in my daily prayers! Prayers to overcome the cancer and prayers to navigate with the least amount of difficulty the somewhat crazy world of treatment in our medical maze.
    Joy and love to you,

  2. Dearest Sister,
    I will see sparkles and streams of vibrant iridescent love infused in the medications and radiations which shall transform every fiber of your being…”…the little cells all are drinking. Their tiny mouths all are shining. The little cells all are drinking. Their tiny mouths all are shining. “ from Scientific Healing Affirmations on page 69

  3. Bless you on this journey. Holding you in my heart and prayers to accompany you along the way.

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